Matlab opens new digit in callback despite hold

I am creating a GUI with MATLAB GUIDE. Let's say a GUI consists of an axis called axis1

and a slider called slider1

. Next, I'll say that I wanted to do something (for example, a box) in axis1

and change the height of the window using the slider.

I tried to do it by adding a listener to the slider like this:

hListener = addlistener(handles.slider1,'Value','PostSet',@(src,evnt)boxHeightChange(src,evnt, handles.figure1));


in the function of opening the GUI. I also defined:

function boxHeightChange(src, event, figname)
   handles = guidata(figname);
   % delete "old" box
   % bring axis in focus
   % plot the new box (with changed size)
    hold on; boxHandle = plotTheBox(event.AffectedObject.Value); hold off
    handles.plottedHandle = boxHandle;
    % update saved values
    guidata(figname, handles);


This works, but it always opens a new shape to draw a resizable window instead of drawing to handles.axes1

. I don't understand why as I am calling axes(handles.axes1);

and hold on;

Any idea that might explain the behavior?


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2 answers

I will post a solution to my question.

Apparently, the listener callback is not declared as a "GUI callback", so the GUI cannot be accessed from boxHeightChange

unless the "command line availability" GUI option is set to "On".

This means: In the GUIDE, go to Tools → GUI Options and set the Command Line Accessibility to On.



Most of the plotting functions allow you to pass a pair of name values 'Parent', ah

where ah

specifies the axes to plot. I think this is the best way to handle your problem. Your actual plotting command seems to be wrapped in a function plotTheBox

, so you'll have to pass in a handle to the axes somehow.

Your plot command will look something like this:



You solved the problem differently, but I think you should do it your own way, because it's more explicit and less likely to lead to unexpected problems.



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