Internet Explorer and Firefox do not display all images on the page

For some reason, I have been experiencing a strange problem with my site for a long time and I still don't understand what is causing the problem.

This is what my web page looks like in Chrome: (and this is what it should look like in any browser):

This is how it looks in IE11: Image 2

As you can see, the third image from the left does not appear, but in Chrome it does. This happened several times. I have already checked the width and height parameters and they are all correct: still IE says my image dimensions are 283x16px instead of 349x240px (rightclick> properties).

<img width="349" height="240" src="" class="attachment-grid-post wp-post-image" alt="Belgian-film-student-travels-more-than-5000-miles-to-be-friends-with-a-complete-stranger__880 (1)" title="Man reist 8000 kilometer af om een compleet vreemde te ontmoeten van Facebook"/>


The page where the problem occurs: - I'm using Wordpress by the way.

Has anyone else encountered this problem before? Or does anyone know what might be causing this?

UPDATE: It doesn't seem to work either in Firefox ...

I would be grateful for any help!


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1 answer

This is because the image in question is not a JPEG (or GIF or PNG), but rather Google WebP , and Internet Explorer - do not natively support such images ( and neither Firefox nor Safari ).

enter image description here

The simplest solution is to just convert it to JPG.



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