count occurrences in a unique group combination

I have a dataset that looks like below:

SSN Auto    MtgHe   Personal    Other   None
A   1           1    0          0       0
B   1           1    0          0       0
C   1           0    0          0       0
D   1           0    1          1       0
E   0           0    0          0       1
F   0           0    0          0       1
G   0           0    0          0       1


SSN is the person, Auto, MtgHe, Personal, Other are the loan categories and "None" means no loans. There are a total of 15 unique possible loan combinations plus 1 "No" option, which means no loans. So, for example, a person may only have a car loan, or a car and a personal loan, or no credit at all. I would like to count the SSNs that have different combinations. Using the table above, the results will look like this:

Cnt Auto    MtgHe   Personal    Other   None
2   1           1    0          0       0
1   1           0    0          0       0
1   1           0    1          1       0
3   0           0    0          0       1


Any ideas on how to do this in R? My dataset does have tens of thousands of cases, but any help would be appreciated.


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3 answers

One parameter using the dplyr function count


count(df, Auto, MtgHe, Personal, Other, None) %>% ungroup()
#Source: local data frame [4 x 6]
#  Auto MtgHe Personal Other None n
#1    0     0        0     0    1 3
#2    1     0        0     0    0 1
#3    1     0        1     1    0 1
#4    1     1        0     0    0 2


And for those who prefer the R base and without ordering:

x <- interaction(df[-1])
df <- transform(df, n = ave(seq_along(x), x, FUN = length))[!duplicated(x),-1]
#  Auto MtgHe Personal Other None n
#1    1     1        0     0    0 2
#3    1     0        0     0    0 1
#4    1     0        1     1    0 1
#5    0     0        0     0    1 3




And the required version data.table

(the only one that won't change the order of the dataset)

setDT(df)[, .(Cnt = .N), .(Auto, MtgHe, Personal, Other, None)]
#    Auto MtgHe Personal Other None Cnt
# 1:    1     1        0     0    0   2
# 2:    1     0        0     0    0   1
# 3:    1     0        1     1    0   1
# 4:    0     0        0     0    1   3


Or a shorter version could be

temp <- names(df)[-1]
setDT(df)[, .N, temp]
#    Auto MtgHe Personal Other None N
# 1:    1     1        0     0    0 2
# 2:    1     0        0     0    0 1
# 3:    1     0        1     1    0 1
# 4:    0     0        0     0    1 3


And just for fun, here's a different (unordered) basic version of R

Cnt <- rev(tapply(df[,1],, df[-1]), length))
cbind(unique(df[-1]), Cnt)
#   Auto MtgHe Personal Other None Cnt
# 1    1     1        0     0    0   2
# 3    1     0        0     0    0   1
# 4    1     0        1     1    0   1
# 5    0     0        0     0    1   3


And an additional dplyr

version for completeness

group_by(df, Auto, MtgHe, Personal, Other, None) %>% tally
# Source: local data frame [4 x 6]
# Groups: Auto, MtgHe, Personal, Other
#   Auto MtgHe Personal Other None n
# 1    0     0        0     0    1 3
# 2    1     0        0     0    0 1
# 3    1     0        1     1    0 1
# 4    1     1        0     0    0 2




Base R solution using aggregate


aggregate(count ~ ., data=transform(dat[-1],count=1), FUN=sum )

#  Auto MtgHe Personal Other None count
#1    1     0        0     0    0     1
#2    1     1        0     0    0     2
#3    1     0        1     1    0     1
#4    0     0        0     0    1     3




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