How to send and retrieve from methods

I am trying to send and receive values ​​since I have my object oriented code, in Addition.xaml. I am trying to send a variable AddLevel, which is an int, to Addition.xaml I have:

private void pageRoot_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
   Methods.AddLevels(AddLevel, Question1,Question2, Answer);
   QuestionText1.Text = System.Convert.ToString(Question1);
   QuestionText2.Text = System.Convert.ToString(Question2);


In this method, I am trying to send an int AddLevel variable to the Methods class to determine what to do in the Methods class that I have:

public static int AddLevels(int AddLevel, int Question1, int Question2, int Answer)
    Random rnd = new Random();

    if(AddLevel == 0 || AddLevel == 1)
       Question1 = rnd.Next(0, 10);
       Question2 = rnd.Next(0, 10);
       Answer = Question1 + Question2;

    return Question1;
    return Question2;
    return Answer;



Just to summarize, I am trying to send AddLevel from Addition.xaml to AddLevels method in Methods class, then I am trying to get Question1, Question2 and Answer from this method. How should I do it?


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3 answers

One option is to use Tuple


private void pageRoot_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    Tuple<int, int, int> result = Methods.AddLevels(AddLevel, Question1, Question2, Answer);
    QuestionText1.Text = System.Convert.ToString(result.Item1);
    QuestionText2.Text = System.Convert.ToString(result.Item2);

public static Tuple<int, int, int> AddLevels(int addLevel, int question1, int question2, int answer)
    if (addLevel == 0 || addLevel == 1)
        Random rnd = new Random();
        question1 = rnd.Next(0, 10);
        question2 = rnd.Next(0, 10);
        answer = question1 + question2;
    return Tuple.Create(question1, question2, answer);


Another option, but less recommended, is to use the keyword ref


private void pageRoot_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    Methods.AddLevels(AddLevel, ref Question1, ref Question2, ref Answer);
    QuestionText1.Text = System.Convert.ToString(Question1);
    QuestionText2.Text = System.Convert.ToString(Question2);

public void AddLevels(int addLevel, ref int question1, ref int question2, ref int answer)
    if (addLevel == 0 || addLevel == 1)
        Random rnd = new Random();
        question1 = rnd.Next(0, 10);
        question2 = rnd.Next(0, 10);
        answer = question1 + question2;




Create your method to return Dictionary:

public static Dictionary<string, int> AddLevels(int AddLevel, int Question1, int Question2, int Answer)
    Random rnd = new Random();
    Dictionary<string, int> dic = new Dictionary<string,int>();

    if(AddLevel == 0 || AddLevel == 1)
       Question1 = rnd.Next(0, 10);
       Question2 = rnd.Next(0, 10);
       Answer = Question1 + Question2;

    dic.Add("Question1", Question1);
    dic.Add("Question2", Question2);
    dic.Add("Answer", Answer);

    return dic;



If you want to accept the value of Question1, Question2, Answer, just write it like this:

Dictionary<string, int> dic = AddLevels(AddLevel, Question1, Question2);
int question1 = dic["Question1"]; // this will return the value for Question1.


One of the requirements for a dictionary is Keys

to be unique, you must guarantee it. In your case, the keys: "Question1", "Question2", "Answer"


You must write parameter names starting with a small letter: addLevel, question1, question2




I could be wrong, but it looks like you are overcomplicating things to avoid binding? AddLevels looks like it's easily part of the DataContext?


<TextBox x:Name="QuestionText1" Text={Binding Question1} />
<TextBox x:Name="QuestionText2" Text={Binding Question2} />



public partial class SomePage : UserControl
    public SomePage()
        this.DataContext = new SomePageViewModel();

    private void pageRoot_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)



public class SomePageViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public int Answer
        get { return _answer; }
            if (_answer != value)
                _answer = value;

    public int Question1
        get { return _question1; }
            if (_answer != value)
                _question1 = value;

    public int Question2
        get { return _question2; }
            if (_question2 != value)
                _question2 = value;

    public void AddLevels(int addLevel)
        Random rnd = new Random();

        if(addLevel == 0 || addLevel == 1)
           Question1 = rnd.Next(0, 10);
           Question2 = rnd.Next(0, 10);
           Answer = Question1 + Question2;




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