IA32 assembly language - move char to int

In Exercise CSAPP 3.4

src_t v;
dest_t *p;

*p = (dest_t) v;


If src_t

- char

, and dest_t

- int

, answer

movsbl %al, (%edx)


( v

stored in %eax

or %ax

or %al

, p

stored in %edx

). And when src_t

- char

, a dest_t

- unsigned

, the answer

movsbl %al, (%edx)



Why should we use movsbl

instead movzl

when the type is char



source to share

1 answer

The choice of the extension command reflects the sign of the symbol type.

gcc allows you to control the signing of symbols, so you can see what conversions it will do for each feature easily enough.


unsigned char_to_int(char *s) {
    return *s;


Default output:

movl    4(%esp), %eax
movsbl  (%eax), %eax


Exit with -funsigned-char


movl    4(%esp), %eax
movzbl  (%eax), %eax


Conclusion with -fsigned-char


movl    4(%esp), %eax
movsbl  (%eax), %eax


Keep in mind that this is just the output of one compiler on one platform. The default signature may be different for a different compiler or for running gcc on a different platform.



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