Julia: Replacing a number with a string in an array

I have an array of numbers (integer or float) (it is actually a column in a DataFrame) and would like to replace, for example, all instances of 0 with "NaN" or some text. (Or convert 1 β†’ "M" and 2 β†’ "F".)

I ran into the problem that when I write array[i] = "text"

, I get the error:

`convert` has no method matching convert(::Type{Int64}, ::ASCIIString)


How do I get around this? Also, what is the most efficient way to do the Pandas' equivalent df.column.replace({1:"M", 2:"F"}, inplace=True)


I tried this:

df[:sex] = [ {1 => "M", 2 => "F"}[i] for i in df[:sex] ]


... but this leads to a problem when I only replace some of the values ​​(then I get the "X key not found" error since I am passing in a value from [: sex] which is not in my dict).


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2 answers

Here starts:

df[:sex] = convert(DataArray{Union(Int64, ASCIIString), 1}, df[:sex])

df[df[:sex] .== 1, :sex] = "M"
df[df[:sex] .== 2, :sex] = "F"




You might be better off with PooledDataArray



: a variant DataArray{T}

optimized for representing arrays that contain many repetitions of a small number of unique values ​​- as is usually the case with categorical data.

... this is equivalent to categorization in pandas / R.

julia> df = DataFrame([1 3; 2 4; 1 6])
3x2 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | x1 | x2 |
| 1   | 1  | 3  |
| 2   | 2  | 4  |
| 3   | 1  | 6  |

julia> PooledDataArray(DataArrays.RefArray(df[:x1]), [:Male, :Female])
3-element DataArrays.PooledDataArray{Symbol,Int64,1}:

julia> df[:x1] = PooledDataArray(DataArrays.RefArray(df[:x1]), [:Male, :Female])
3-element DataArrays.PooledDataArray{Symbol,Int64,1}:

julia> df
3x2 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | x1     | x2 |
| 1   | Male   | 3  |
| 2   | Female | 4  |
| 3   | Male   | 6  |


Note: this works because the referenced array contains values ​​from 1 to the size of the labels (2).



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