How to replace Kendo UI grid loading image with progress bar

I am using mvc code KENDO GRID. I want to hide the loading image when the grid is loading and replace it with a kendo progress bar or another image.
          So what to do? we need to explicitly add CSS

<div class="OutStandingDetailsGridArea">
        .Columns(column =>
            column.Bound(x => x.ConsolidatedInvoiceDispatchID).Hidden(true);
            column.Bound(x => x.ConsolidatedInvoiceNumber).Hidden(true);

            column.Bound(x => x.PaidAmount)
                .ClientTemplate("#if(data.PaidAmount<0) {# " +
                                            "<span style='color:red' class='OustandingPdAmt'>  #=kendo.toString(data.PaidAmount, 'n2')# </span>" +
                                    "#}" +
                                    "else if(data.PaidAmount>0) {# " +
                                            "<span>  #=kendo.toString(data.PaidAmount, 'n2')# </span>" +
                                    .ClientFooterTemplate("<div style='text-align: right' >#= kendo.toString(sum, 'n2') #</div>")
                .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "text-align:right" })


        .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height: 320px;" })
            //.Events(events => events.DataBound("onDataBound"))
        .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
                    .Aggregates(aggregates =>
                            aggregates.Add(p => p.Amount).Sum();
                            aggregates.Add(p => p.PaidAmount).Sum();
                            aggregates.Add(p => p.BalanceAmount).Sum();
                                //.Read("OutstandingDetailsAgg_Read", "CreditControl")





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1 answer

When the boot image runs, the following elements are displayed in the DOM

<div class="k-loading-mask" style="width:100%;height:100%"><span class="k-loading-text">Loading...</span><div class="k-loading-image"><div class="k-loading-color"></div></div></div>


You can override the k-load-image style and set its background-image property to whatever other thing you want:

    background-image: url('someotherimage.gif');




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