Upgrade to Rails 4.2.0: string literals where conditions are quoted

While updating the version rails

in my application from 4.1.8

to 4.2.0

, I got the following problem.

String literals in conditions are where

now additionally wrapped in quotation marks, which then become part of the query string, no longer producing any valid results. This only happens for database fields of type text

( varchar

not affected). I am using MySQL database.

> Table.where(column: 'data')
[08:19:20.822552] Table Load (0.3ms)  SELECT `table`.* FROM `table`
WHERE `table`.`column` = '\"data\"'


Now if you have a row containing a data

value in a column row, this condition will no longer match (obviously "data"

no longer match).

In Rails 4.1.8 everything worked fine:

 > Table.where(column: 'data')
 [08:19:58.303366] Table Load (0.4ms)  SELECT `table`.* FROM `table`
 WHERE `table`.`column` = 'data'


I don't know if this is the default or configurable. I still haven't found a related release note. I would be very grateful for any suggestions on what has changed and how best to fix it.

Many thanks for the help!


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1 answer

Could you try:

Table.where("column=?", 'data')


I think it will work.



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