Failed to execute target org.apache.maven.plugins: maven-dependency-plugin2.9: copy-dependency (copy-dependency) on project

I'm new to this (a couple of months in maven), I ran into this error using Maven (apache-maven-3.2.3) in Eclipse (Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers - Juno Edition) via m2e ( 1.4.201x).

It only struck me when I had the "Allow workspace artifacts" option selected in "Run Configuration" for the Maven Build configuration instance.

There were no build issues for the rest of the options and even the maven command line commands worked without any problems.

Run Configuration Screenshot

Error log from build console: Failed to execute target org.apache.maven.plugins: maven-dependency-plugin: 2.9: copy dependencies (copy dependencies) in project: Artifact is not yet packaged. If used on a reactor artifact, a copy must be made after packaging: see MDEP-187. → [Help 1]

Deselecting / avoiding this option helped me solve this problem, but can anyone help me without any details around "Allow workspace artifacts"


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