Converting a configuration to a WIX setup

I am creating an MSI install with WIX for my web application. This works correctly. The only thing I don't get is to enable the configuration transformation of the standard web application publishing method.

I understand that you can add a use tag for existing target files. I tried adding TransformXml

to the AfterBuild object in the WIX installer project file, but it doesn't work.

<TransformXml Source="Web.Config" Transform="Web.$(Configuration).config" Destination="Web.Config" />


Can anyone help me?

I created a test project for this WebApplicationWix


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1 answer

I haven't seen any mention of TransformXml in your sample project.

You need code like this:

<UsingTask TaskName="TransformXml" AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.dll" />
<Target Name="AfterCompile">
  <CallTarget Targets="TransformWebConfiguration" Condition="Exists('web.$(Configuration).config')"/>

<Target Name="TransformWebConfiguration">
  <!-- Generate transformed web configuration -->
  <TransformXml Source="web.config" Destination="web.transformed.config" Transform="web.$(Configuration).config" />


A few notes:

  • Check the path to Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.dll in UsingTask (change for your version of Visual Studio)
  • In your example, the source and destination were the same; you have to make sure the destination is a different file so that you don't have any file locking problems or the web.config file you are trying to convert with the converted is overwritten.
  • Visual Studio 2010 had file locking issues with TransformXml, so be careful if you are using 2010.


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