A unit test of a running Service with multiple fields entered?

I am new to dagger.


  • If Android Service

    has any fields nested in it using Dagger, then in order to actually perform the injection, I need to have an instance of that Service

  • In Robolectric's tests, this is consistent MyService service = Robolectric.buildService(MyService.class).get()

    . And then,objectGraph.inject(service);

  • However, the rest of the code that actually runs MyService

    is still using context.startService(context, MyService.class);


Q: What is the idiomatic approach in a dagger to solve this problem?

Let's say I have the Service


public class MyService {
    @Inject Parser parser;

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
        String data = intent.getStringExtra("data_to_be_parsed");


Elsewhere in my code, I have an ApiClient class that does this:

public class ApiClient{
    public static void parseInBackground(Context context, String data){
        //This service does not have its fields injected
        context.startService(new Intent(context, MyService.class).putExtra("data_to_be_parsed", data)); 


This method parseInBackground

is called from the Activity in response to user interaction.

I am now following TDD and hence I have not yet written an Application Module to do this. Here's the test module:

@Module(injects = MyService.class)
public class TestModule {
    @Provides @Singleton Parser provideParser(){
        return new MockParser();


And finally a test case:

public class ApiTest {
    public void parseInBackground_ParsesCorrectly(){
        //This service has its fields injected
        MyService service = Robolectric.buildService(MyService.class).get();
        ObjectGraph.create(new TestModule()).inject(service);

        ApiClient.parseInBackground(Robolectric.application, "<user><name>droid</name></user>");

        //Asserts here


As you can see, in the test I am retrieving the service instance and injecting into it MockParser

. However, the class ApiClient

starts the service directly with the Intent. I have no way to inject.

I know that I can MyService

do the injection on my own:

public void onCreate(){
    ObjectGraph.create(new TestModule()).inject(this);


But then I am hard-coding TestModule


Is there an existing idiom in the dagger for setting up dependencies for situations like this?


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1 answer

This is the wrong way to hard-code your modules in either tests or services. The best way to do the creation is through your custom object Application

, which in turn will contain a singleton object ObjectGraph

. For example:

// in MyService class
@Override public void onCreate() {

// in MyApp class
public static MyApp from(Context context) {
  return (MyApp) context.getApplicationContext();


private ObjectGraph objectGraph;

@Override public void onCreate() {
  // Perform Injection
  objectGraph = ObjectGraph.create(getModules());

public void inject(Object object) {

protected Object[] getModules() {
  // return concrete modules based on build type or any other conditions.


Alternatively, you can refactor the last method into a separate class and make different implementations for different flavors or assembly types. Also you can set overrides=true

in annotations TestModule




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