Is there a way to mock the image that comes from the API using $ httpBackend angularjs?

I am doing protractor tests and using angular moments for "fake" requests. In my application, where is one location where the image should be displayed:

<img ng-src="api/documents/image/{{file.Id}}">


Is it possible to inherit a request to get image data and replace it with some fake image data like it is done with json?



I am currently getting broken screen image icons which I prefer to replace with some fake images. I hope this is possible ...



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1 answer

ngSrc just takes an expression / static path - it doesn't make a call $http

, which you might mock if your expression is a function call to get images, which is probably not what you want. I would recommend:

1) Add a config variable to the image path that can be toggled for dev / prod, for example:

 ng-src="{{ baseUrl }}/api/documents/image/{{file.Id}}"


2) Point this one baseUrl

to the dev server that supplies any mock images you desire. You can create a simple express server that delivers the same image for every request, eg.



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