'IndexError: tuple index out of range' whith str.format

What am I doing wrong?

print('script executed in {time}{1:.2f} seconds'.format(time=elapsed_time))


I get:

IndexError: tuple index out of range


Expected Result:

script executed in 0.12 seconds



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2 answers

You have created two format fields:

print('script executed in {time}{1:.2f} seconds'.format(time=elapsed_time))
#                         ^1    ^2


but gave only one argument str.format


print('script executed in {time}{1:.2f} seconds'.format(time=elapsed_time))
#                                                       ^1


You need the number of format fields to match the number of arguments:

print('script executed in {time:.2f} seconds'.format(time=elapsed_time))




You can just do

>>> 'script executed in {:.2f} seconds'.format(elapsed_time)
'script executed in 0.12 seconds'


In your original code, you have two fields {}

, but only gave one argument, so it gave the error "tuple index out the range".



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