Mongoose static method returns bluebird promise

I am creating a static mongoose "load" method so that my main controller function can use it (for chaining and error handling).



The thing is, id is something wrong, so I need to catch this error. and i think it's better to do it at the model level.

When I do the following, the controller can catch this error.

UserSchema.statics.load = function(id) {

    if (!mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(id)) {
        return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
            throw new Error('not a mongoose id');
        }); ------------( * )

    return Promise.cast(this.findOne({
        _id: id


But if I only do the following, then the error will not be successfully thrown in the controller function .catch.

AchievementSchema.statics.load = function(id) {
    if (!mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(id)) {
        throw new Error('not a mongoose id');
    return Promise.cast(this.findOne({
        _id: id


so my question is, am I doing it right? If so, is it easier to write a statement (*)? What I am doing seems to be ugly .. Thanks.


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1 answer

Yes, there is an abbreviated name Promise.reject


Your code in:

if (!mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(id)) {
    return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
        throw new Error('not a mongoose id');
    }); ------------( * )


It can be written as:

return Promise.reject(new Error("Not a mongoose id");


You can do even better, though Promise.method

, to ensure that anything that can return a promise will return a promise:

UserSchema.statics.load = Promise.method(function(id) {

    if (!mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(id)) {
        throw new Error('not a mongoose id: ' + id);
    return this.findOne({ _id: id }).exec());


This will cause the result to findOne

lead to the reliable Bluebird promise and convert throw

to rejection for you. You might want to consider adding a subclass Promise.OperationalError

rather than Error


As the unrelated review Promise.cast

was deprecated in favor of Promise.resolve

over a year ago.



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