C # loop through all enum fields assigning values ​​from array of strings

I am creating a soap body for a web service and there are dozens of optional fields.

I am currently dealing with them like this:

wsSoapBody.OrderType = aMessage[(int)cardCreate.OrderType].ToString();
wsSoapBody.ActivateFlag = Convert.ToInt32(aMessage[(int)cardCreate.ActivateFlag].ToString()); //P-02925;

if (aMessage[(int)cardCreate.ShipDate].ToString() != ""){
                wsSoapBody.ShipmentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(aMessage[(int)cardCreate.ShipDate].ToString()); //P-02925;

wsSoapBody.ShipmentMethodCard = aMessage[(int)cardCreate.ShipMethodCard].ToString();
wsSoapBody.ShipmentMethodPin = aMessage[(int)cardCreate.ShipMethodPIN].ToString();



that you see in these value assignments is an enumerated constant in the class CardCreate

, defined below:

namespace EvryCardManagement
    class CardCreate
        #region Variables

        private DCSSCardCreateType req;
        private DCSSCardCreateResponseType rsp;
        private DCSSCardCreate_V3_0Service stub;

        public string tokenID { get; set; }

        private enum cardCreate
            MsgType = 0,
            MsgVersion = 1,
            WSName = 2,
            ReplyTo = 3,
            SourceSystem = 4,
            Timestamp = 5,
            UniqueMessageID = 6,
            SFDCContext = 7,
            InstitutionID = 8,
            CardNumber = 9,
            Version = 10,
            ProductID = 11,
            AccountNumber = 12,
            CustomerID = 13,
            CustomerNumber = 14,
            EmbossName1 = 15,
            Expiry = 16,
            FeeMonth = 17,
            ChargeAccountNo = 18,
            PINMethod = 19,
            CardFlag = 20,
            AddressTypeCard = 21,
            AddressTypePIN = 22,
            OrderType = 23,
            ActivateFlag = 24,
            ShipDate = 25,
            ShipMethodCard = 26,
            ShipMethodPIN = 27,
            FirstName = 28,
            LastName = 29,
            CardAddress1 = 30,
            CardAddress2 = 31,
            CardAddress3 = 32,
            CardAddress4 = 33,
            CardAddress5 = 34,
            CardAddress6 = 35,
            CardPostCode = 36,
            CardCity = 37,
            CardCountry = 38,
            PINName = 39,
            PINAddress1 = 40,
            PINAddress2 = 41,
            PINAddress3 = 42,
            PINAddress4 = 43,
            PINAddress5 = 44,
            PINAddress6 = 45,
            PINPostCode = 46,
            PINCity = 47,
            PINCountry = 48,
            Validfrom = 49,
            Note = 50,
            MakeCheckStatus = 51,
            EmbossName2 = 52,
            PAmount = 53,
            PAmountLength = 54,
            GKIndicator = 55,
            CreditLimit = 56,
            CardDesignNo = 57,
            ExtPictureID = 58,
            BulkID = 59,
            AccountNo2 = 60


so instead of doing everything one at a time like I did, is it possible to loop through wsSoapBody

(which is defined in the web service) and for each one get the corresponding value from aMessage

(which is defined as an array like this string[] aMessage



I have below code but I want to assign wsSoapBody

and I am stuck:

foreach (cardCreate cItem in (cardCreate[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(cardCreate)))


(the above amendment was suggested as an edit by Steve Lillis , which was rejected due to conflict)

so I don't know how then to assign values ​​to each element, for example I want to set

wsSoapBody[cItem].value = aMessage[(int)CardCreate[cItem]` 


or I also tried:

wsSoapBody[cItem] = aMessage[(int)cItem].ToString();


but I am having trouble getting it working (or even compiling) due to lack of knowledge.

EDIT # 2 :

I also looked at GetNames

since maybe I want names and tried:

        foreach (string name in Enum.GetNames(typeof(cardCreate)))

            wsSoapBody[name] = aMessage[(int)name].ToString();


But I cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'DCSSCardCreateType'



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1 answer

Why not put the values ​​on the enum itself and then enumerate?

For example, using an attribute System.ComponentModel


, we can add this information to the enum itself, for example:

public enum cardCreate
  [Description("General Response")]
  MsgType = 0,

  WSName = 2,

  ReplyTo = 3,

  [Description("Windows 10")]
  SourceSystem = 4,


So when we call a special method to enumerate the enumeration where we can extract that text and use it later, for example:

            .Select (ceEnum => new
                            Original   = ceEnum,
                            IndexValue = (int)ceEnum,
                            Text       = ceEnum.GetAttributeDescription()


The dynamic object will look like this after projection (selection):

enter image description here

Sweet! We now have all the information in a simple consumer unit that provides all the information we need.

What? Need more than a string description? Then create a custom attribute in enum

and return all elements / data types as needed. For this see my C # blog article Using Extended Attribute Information on Objects .

Here are the extension methods used in the above example:

public static class myextensions
   public static IEnumerable<T> GetEnumValues<T>()
       Type type = typeof( T );

       if (!type.IsEnum)
           throw new Exception( string.Format("{0} is not an enum.", type.FullName ));

       FieldInfo[] fields =
           type.GetFields( BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static );

       foreach (var item in fields)
           yield return (T)item.GetValue( null );

  /// <summary>If an attribute on an enumeration exists, this will return that
   /// information</summary>
   /// <param name="value">The object which has the attribute.</param>
   /// <returns>The description string of the attribute or string.empty</returns>
   public static string GetAttributeDescription( this object value )
       string retVal = string.Empty;
           retVal = value.GetType()
                         .GetField( value.ToString() )
                         .GetCustomAttributes( typeof( DescriptionAttribute ), false )

       catch (NullReferenceException)
           //Occurs when we attempt to get description of an enum value that does not exist
           if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( retVal ))
               retVal = "Unknown";

       return retVal;





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