Django: How do you avoid polluting the parent context in an include tag?

Here's the code I'm trying to do:

from django import template
from copy import copy
register = template.Library()

# Renders the site header.
@register.inclusion_tag('site/tags/header.tpl', takes_context=True)
def header(context):
    # Load up the URL to a certain page.
    url = Page.objects.get(slug='certain-page').url

    # Pass the entire context from our parent into our own template, without polluting
    # our parent context with our own variables.
    new_context = copy(context)
    new_context['page_url'] = url
    return new_context


Unfortunately this still pollutes the template context that this include tag is calling.

<div id="content">
  {% header %}
  HERE THE URL: {{ page_url }}



will show up after "HERE URL:" because the parent context has been polluted.

How do I avoid this while still being able to pass the full parent context to my template with new variables?


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2 answers

I think you want something like this:

new_context = {'page_url': url}
return new_context


Hope it helps



Before updating the existing context push()

to the stack. After rendering your template with the changed context pop()

to restore the previous values.

This is documented here .



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