How do I refer to type-polymorphic type variables in the type theorem?

I wrote a Functor

Haskell type class :

Class Functor (f: Type -> Type) := {
  map {a b: Type}: (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b);
  map_id: forall (a: Type) (x: f a), map id x = x


Where id

has an obvious definition.

Now I have discovered the instances Functor

for list

and the type of the function. But I want to prove the statements about any functor. First, I want to prove that there is essentially a tautology: repetition map_id

for any functor.

Theorem map_id_restatement: forall (F: Type -> Type), 
  Functor F -> forall T (x: F T), map id x = x.


The idea was to prove this theorem, I would just apply map_id

. But I get an error when I try to prove it:

Toplevel input, characters 88-91:

Could not find an instance for "Functor F" in environment:

F : Type -> Type
T : Type
x : F T


But the instance Functor F

must already be in scope because of the type assumption. Why isn't it recognized?


OK, I figured out I can get it to work, quantitatively Functor F


Theorem map_id_restatement: forall (F: Type -> Type) (finst: Functor F),
  forall T (x: F T), map id x = x.
Proof. apply @map_id. Qed.


Why is this necessary? Interestingly, it doesn't work unless I explicitly provide the name of the functor instance (i.e. if I just write (_: Functor F)



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1 answer

I don't know if this is a bug or not, but note that when you write something like Functor F -> SomeType

you are implicitly stating that it is SomeType

not instance dependent Functor

, which is not true in your case: the complete type of your theorem, printing all implicit arguments, would be something like this:

Theorem map_id_restatement: forall (F: Type -> Type) (finst: Functor F),
  forall T (x: F T), @map F fints T T (@id T) x = x.


If you replace finst

with _

, you get

Theorem map_id_restatement: forall (F: Type -> Type) (_: Functor F),
  forall T (x: F T), @map F _ T T (@id T) x = x.


which cannot be type checked because _

it is not a variable name.

Note that if you bind Functor F

anonymously before the colon, Coq accepts it:

Theorem map_id_restatement (F: Type -> Type) (_ : Functor F) :
  forall T (x: F T), map (@id T) x = x.
Proof. apply @map_id. Qed.


Presumably, here Coq handles it _

differently and replaces it with an auto-generated name instead of actually leaving it unnamed. You can also use the following form, which works both under forall

and before the colon:

Theorem map_id_restatement (F: Type -> Type) : forall `(Functor F),
  forall T (x: F T), map (@id T) x = x.
Proof. apply @map_id. Qed.




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