Using angular how to get the selected value in ng-change in the dropdown?

So I have some data coming in a comma separated string.

sizes: "Small,Medium,Large,X Large,XX Large"


I got a dropdown that displays a value based on the split of that string.

<select ng-options="choice as choice for (idx, choice) in val.sizes.split(',')" 

        <option value="">Please select a size</option>


Usage ng-change

: how to pass a selected value choice

to a function?


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3 answers

You can use ng-model

and access it in your callback, ng-change

or you can just pass it.

<select ng-model="selectedSize" ng-options="choice as choice for (idx, choice) in val.sizes.split(',')" 

        <option value="">Please select a size</option>


angular.module('app', []).controller('ctrl', function($scope) {
  $scope.sizes = "Small,Medium,Large,X Large,XX Large";
  $scope.handleChange = function() {

<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">
  <select ng-model="selectedSize" ng-options="choice as choice for (idx, choice) in sizes.split(',')" ng-change="handleChange()">

    <option value="">Please select a size</option>

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For me, using an ng model with a simple variable doesn't work! So $ scope.selectedSize will return undefined for me and $ scope.selectedSize = "what size ever" will not change the model selected from below.

Is it possible for this to work (variable byValue / byRef)?

Using ng.model = "whatever.selectedSize" and $ scope.whatever.selectedSize works in my case to get and set the drop / model value.



This will help.

<script src = ""></script>

<div ng-controller="manageroles_controller" ng-app="app_manageroles">

    <select title="Update Role Hierarchy" name="cmb_role_hierarchy" id="cmb_role_hierarchy" ng-model="cmb_role_hierarchy" ng-change="updateRoleHierarchy('cmb_role_hierarchy');">

        <option ng-init="cmb_role_hierarchy=5" value="5">5</option>



var app_manageroles =  angular.module('app_manageroles',[]);
app_manageroles.controller('manageroles_controller', function($scope,$http) {   
    $scope.updateRoleHierarchy = function(cntRoleHierarchy) {




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