Spring data JPA request behaves unexpectedly

I have the following objects:

public class Order_status_sas {
   private Order_sas order;
   private Date lastModified;

public class Order_sas {
   private long id;


My CrudRepository:

public interface StatusesWareHouseRepository extends CrudRepository<Order_status_sas, Long> {
   Order_status_sas findFirstByOrderIdOrderByLastModifiedDesc(long id);


I expect the method to findFirstByOrderIdOrderByLastModifiedDesc

return the first row from the table Order_status_sas

where order.id = <some_id>

sorted by field lastModified

, but in the log I see this query:

Hibernate: select ... 
       from order_status_sas a 
          left outer join orders_sas b 
            on a.order_id=b.id 
       where b.id=? 
       order by a.last_modified desc


This query does not return me a single string, but it does return a list of strings. It seems that Spring Data is not looking at the word First

in my method name. Also, I am getting an exception:

result returns more than one elements; nested exception is javax.persistence.NonUniqueResultException: result returns more than one elements


Please tell me what am I doing wrong and how can I achieve my goal?

Revision: I edited mine StatusesWareHouseRepository

with a custom query:

@Query("select s from Order_status_sas s where s.order.id = ?1 order by s.lastModified desc limit 1")
Order_status_sas findFirstByOrderIdOrderByLastModifiedDesc(long id);


but the query executed by Hibernate didn't change. It looks like this:

select ... 
from order_status_sas s 
where s.order_id=? 
order by s.last_modified desc



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2 answers

Ok I got it @PriduNeemre point. Let's leave the DB model and go back to the JPA question. Here's another example:

public class Client {

public interface ClientRepository extends CrudRepository<Client, Integer> {

Client findFirstByOrderByNameDesc();


The hibernate request still looks like this:

select ... 
from clients c 
order by c.name desc




Have you tried adding an annotation @Query

(see here ) on top of your method findFirstByOrderIdOrderByLastModifiedDesc(..)

to specify the expected behavior manually? A (unrelated) example of how this might work:

public interface InvoiceRepository extends JpaRepository<Invoice, Long> {

    @Query("SELECT I FROM Invoice I JOIN I.customer C JOIN C.user U WHERE 
        U.username = :username")
    public List<Invoice> findInvoicesByUsername(@Param("username")
        String username);


Note that the query language used in the body of the annotation is actually JPQL , not SQL. For more examples in annotation, @Query

see Spring Data Docs here .

PS: I also have conflicting feelings regarding the structure of the domain object, that is, does the instance really Order_sas

need to be stored in the instance Order_status_sas

- isn't it? Typically you want to store the referenced entities in your main domain entity, not the other way around. (There is a slight chance that I just don't understand this.)

EDIT: I would even say that given your current domain model, Hibernate does everything right, except for the lack of a LIMIT 1 clause to limit the expected result set to a single row. The query itself is highly inefficient and can be improved by fixing your skewed domain model.



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