Sub-aggregation scripts with parameters taken from the parent aggregation

Is there a way to use the key

aggregation list value as a parameter in subaggregation?

Having an index like:

    "id": 152,
    "description": "cool stuff",
    "datesWithTotal" : [
            "date" : "2014-02-02T00:00:00",
            "total" : 47.2
            "date" : "2014-02-03T00:00:00",
            "total" : 51.2
            "date" : "2014-02-04T00:00:00",
            "total" : 56.4


I would like to perform a date_histogram

subaggregation aggregation that will perform some operation based on the current valueparentbucket.key

    "aggs": {
        "histo": {
            "date_histogram": {
                "field": "",
                "interval": "1d"
            "aggs": {
                "script-test": {
                    "scripted_metric": {
                        "init_script": "_agg['sum'] = 0",
                        "map_script": "_agg.sum += (PARENTBUCKET.KEY == 'somevalue' ? 1 : 0)",
                        "combine_script": "return _agg.sum"


I've already used some scripts this way, but each one didn't use anything from the parent, just simple integer parameters.


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1 answer

It's just an idea. I tested it quickly, but for some reason not outputting what I thought it should. Perhaps this gives you some additional ideas or you can get it to work in a way I have not been able to do so far:

  "aggs": {
    "histo": {
      "date_histogram": {
        "field": "",
        "interval": "1d"
      "aggs": {
        "doesIncludeDate": {
          "terms": {
            "script": "new Date(doc[\"\"].value).format(\"yyyy-MM-dd\")",
            "valueType": "string",
            "include": {
              "pattern": "2014-02-04"
          "aggs": {
            "script-test": {
              "scripted_metric": {
                "init_script": "_agg['sum'] = 0",
                "map_script": "_agg.sum += 1",
                "combine_script": "return _agg.sum"
        "doesNotIncludeDate": {
          "terms": {
            "script": "new Date(doc[\"\"].value).format(\"yyyy-MM-dd\")",
            "valueType": "string",
            "exclude": {
              "pattern": "2014-02-04"
          "aggs": {
            "script-test": {
              "scripted_metric": {
                "init_script": "_agg['sum'] = 0",
                "map_script": "_agg.sum += 0",
                "combine_script": "return _agg.sum"


The idea is to use the aggregation terms

s include

and more terms

s exclude

to have buckets that match your parent bucket or not. For those that match your script with _agg.sum += 1

for a different use _agg.sum += 0


Of course it's all for a very specific script you have: date X or not. If the script is more complex it won't be useful. And I don't think you can access the parent key from within the script (or I haven't found a way to do this).



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