Can I pass a controller function to a variable in a function reference in a directive?

I am using a custom directive for angularjs and I want to pass some variables to the directive to build the directive with the data set, the data is received from the $ http response but it takes a long time and nothing happens when the variables are filled with the data response.

I think if I can make a request in a controller function inside a directive, maybe I can set a timeout function until the response is complete, but the questions are if I get the data in the $ http response and fill in by moving the variable with this data, can I pass it to the reference function?

EDIT: The end result is a bunch of fields on the form filling it in dynamically from a json object.


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2 answers

Typically, if you have any information that you want to expose with a custom directive , you do it using attributes manually or using isolate scope .

Imagine I had a specific directive to display some details about widget

, but I wanted it to be generic ... then I could write my directive like this:

   restrict: 'E',
   template: '<div>{{}}</div>',
   scope: {
      widget:'=' //Allows two way binding with parent scope


This is the simplest possible use case, but it will allow me to bind to that object in my directive and isolate it completely.

Assuming I have a controller that is actually viewing my widget from a $ http call, I could do this:

    widget attribute is made available because of how we
    declared our directive definition.
<widget-directive widget="ctrl.myWidget"></widget-directive>


If your directive is more advanced and you need to perform some action based on changes to this object, then you can simply view it in the link function :

link: function(scope, elem, attrs){
   scope.$watch('widget', function(newVal, oldVal){
      //Do something here now that 'widget' has changed




When you have to watch an object (deep clock), you can declare your clock like this:

link: function(scope, elem, attrs){
   scope.$watch(function () { return scope.widget; }, function(newVal, oldVal){
      scope.widget = newVal;
   }, true);


Notice the function that returns an object and the value true is added to the end of the clock.



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