Python mock setter property when wrapping it

How do you mock a python property setter when porting it (i.e. calling the original setter)? The most direct way is to access __set__

, but it is read-only for properties, so it doesn't work.

from unittest import TestCase
from unittest.mock import patch, PropertyMock

class SomeClass:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self._value = value

    def value(self):
        return self._value + 1

    def value(self, value):
        self._value = value + 1

class TestSomeClass(TestCase):
    def test_value_setter(self):
        instance = SomeClass(0)
        with patch.object(SomeClass.value, '__set__', wraps=SomeClass.value.__set__) as value_setter:
            instance.value = 1
            value_setter.assert_called_with(instance, 1)
        self.assertEquals(instance.value, 3)


There is also in the docs new_callable=PropertyMock

, I tried to combine it with wrap

but didn't get it yet.


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2 answers

You need to replace the whole object property

; you can't just replace the installer. this means you will need to provide a new object property

where the setter is your layout wrapper for the original setter (attribute access property.fset


setter_mock = Mock(wraps=SomeClass.value.fset)
mock_property = SomeClass.value.setter(setter_mock)
with patch.object(SomeClass, 'value', mock_property):
    instance.value = 1
    setter_mock.assert_called_with(instance, 1)


I've used the decorator @property.setter

here again ; it returns a new object property

with all the attributes of the original property

, except that the setter is replaced with what was passed; see How does the @property decorator work?



Here's another solution that reuses PropertyMock

but only has the drawback of allowing setters to mock in context.

with patch.object(SomeClass, 'value', new_callable=PropertyMock, wraps=partial(
    SomeClass.value.__set__, instance)
) as value:
    instance.value = 1
self.assertEquals(instance.value, 3)



instance = SomeClass(0)
with patch.object(SomeClass, 'value', PropertyMock(
    side_effect=partial(SomeClass.value.__set__, instance)
)) as value:
    instance.value = 1
self.assertEquals(instance.value, 3)




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