Does support cookies?

I am trying to use my local install to create static snapshots of Angular.js webapp.

The webapp backend uses a session cookie that is set on the first request and required for all subsequent ones - if it is not sent, the requests fail (they are discarded by the backend). This works great when using webapp in a normal browser.

In prerender.js, all requests work except those that call the backend - they fail because apparently phantomjs is not sending cookies.

Is it true that prerender.js doesn't support (or disables) cookies? If yes: what can I do to enable them? As far as I know, Phantomjs supports cookies ...


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1 answer

Cookies are disabled by default as most crawlers do not use cookies, but for cases where your site is down due to the need for cookies, you can set the COOKIES_ENABLED environment variable to true, or pass a parameter when creating the prerender server in your code:

var server = prerender({
    cookiesEnabled: true




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