Displaying another template with a click button in Django

I have the following template files in my django project:

  • base.html
  • base_test1.html
  • base_test2.html

Here and base_test1.html

, and base_test2.html

extends base.html

. My home page displays base_test1.html

. On my home page, I have a button that should display when clicked base_test2.html

. How can I achieve this?

I am trying to use jQuery ajax call so that when a button is clicked, I call the corresponding view in views.py

my application. But that doesn't seem to work as the ajax call just returns the html page per request, rather than executing it.


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1 answer

  • Create another url, look at the second template I think you did.
  • Make it a button as a link to this URL. Thus, when the button is clicked, the page with the second template is displayed.

Should base_test2.html

n't return full HTML page if you want to use ajax . But only some block in the html page that you replace in the original page.



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