PHP How to intercept this string?

I have a long list of IP addresses and ports. I'm trying to fit a port number from a list that looks something like this:



I didn't have any problems with global IP using:

preg_match_all('/connect=;;(.+?);;/', $long, $ip);
            $ip = $ip[1][0];


This works great for me, but I can't figure out how to preg map to the port that is at the end of the line.


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2 answers

Just to expand on the above answer a bit:

if (preg_match_all('/connect=;;([\d\.]+);;([\d\.]+);;(\d+);;/',
                   $long, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
  foreach($matches as $match) {
    list(,$ip1, $ip2, $port) = $match;
    /* Do stuff */
    echo "{$ip1} => {$ip2}:{$port}\n";


You can get a slightly smarter way of IP detection, but if your samples are well formed, that should be more than enough.



Try this way ...

    $re = "/connect=;;(.+?);;(\d{4});;/";
    $str = "/connect=;;;;;;8081;;/connect=;;;;;;8080;;/connect=;;;;;;8090;;/connect=;;;;;;8081;;";

    preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches);




   connect=;; matches the characters connect=;; literally (case sensitive)
  1st Capturing group (.+?)
    .+? matches any character (except newline)
        Quantifier: +? Between one and unlimited times, as few times as possible, 
   expanding as needed [lazy]
   ;; matches the characters ;; literally
  2nd Capturing group (\d{4})
    \d{4} match a digit [0-9]
        Quantifier: {4} Exactly 4 times
  ;; matches the characters ;; literally
  g modifier: global. All matches (don't return on first match)


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