Formatting spring-data-rest / spring -hateoas mirrors in custom controllers

I used the suggested approach in this question to return HATEOAS formatted output that matches the one returned by spring-data-rest. It works well, but is there a way to avoid the tabular code to create entity resource assemblers like QuestionResourceAssembler in the referenced question if I only want to add "native" references using an id for all objects? Perhaps using ResourceAssemblerSupport ?


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1 answer

The easiest way is to just use the shell type Resource


Resource<Person> personResource = new Resource<>(person);


Links can be created either by simply creating them (i.e. new Link("http://localhost/foo", "relation")

, or using ControllerLinkBuilder

), which allows you to specify controller methods to get the reverse mapping. See this section of the Readme for details.



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