Stretch background to view in Swift
I am using adding background in iOS Swift app using:
self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor(patternImage: UIImage(named: "background")!)
However, it doesn't cover the screen down to the bottom level. I searched Other questions:
var backImage = UIImage(named: "background")
var resizablebackImage = backImage?.resizableImageWithCapInsets(UIEdgeInsets(top:10,left:0,bottom:10,right:0))
self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor(patternImage:resizablebackImage!)
This does not work. Any ideas?
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2 answers
If you intend to set it as a background image, don't make the image as a template color and fill it as a background color. Create instead UIImageView
to set the image as an image and add it to UIView
var bgImage = UIImage(named: "background");
var imageView = UIImageView(frame: self.view.bounds);
imageView.image = bgImage
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For Swift 1.x and Swift 2 plus device rotation detection
See my code below. Just set bgImageName
to the name of your image and call setBackgroundImage()
. I added automatic reboot in case of device rotation.
var bgImage = UIImage()
var bgImageView = UIImageView()
var bgImageName = ""
override func viewDidLoad() {
bgImageName = "bg-orange" // or whatever your image is called
func setBackgroundImage() {
if bgImageName > "" {
bgImage = UIImage(named: bgImageName)!
bgImageView = UIImageView(frame: self.view.bounds)
bgImageView.image = bgImage
// detect device orientation changes
override func didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation(fromInterfaceOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientation) {
if UIDevice.currentDevice().orientation.isLandscape.boolValue {
print("rotated device to landscape")
} else {
print("rotated device to portrait")
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