Code completion not working when using Symfony container services

I am using FOSUserBundle in my Symfony 2 application and wondering how to make code completion work in PHPStorm because when you inject this service through a container like:

$userManager = $this->container->get('fos_user.user_manager');


And trying to use $ userManager to see its interface - I can't see anything, because for PHPStorm this is a regular variable, not an object created with a "new" operator.

Is there a way to show me the available methods for this object?

As we usually do with real objects: enter image description here



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2 answers

You have to assign an annotation to the variable as shown below to tell phpstorm which class the variable gets the instance from (ps: I am not using fosUserBundle).

/** @var \myProject\appBundle\entityManager $userManager */
$userManager = $this->container->get('fos_user.user_manager');


PS: Have you installed the Symfony2 plugin ?



For me fulfillment

composer update


in the console works.



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