How can I select all rows except (A and B) in Eloquent ORM using Scope?

I am trying to figure out how to get all but a few rows (A and B) in an ORICO ORACLE module.

User model

public function notifications()
    return $this->hasMany('notification','listener_id','id');


Model Notification

public function scopeFriendship($query)
    return $query->where('object_type', '=', 'Friendship Request');

public function scopeSent($query)
    return $query->where('verb', '=', 'sent');


Here's how I can get all user notifications except the area (Friendship and Sent).

Something like:- all rows except !(Friendship AND Sent)



source to share

1 answer

You can use areas in combination with active loading. For example:

User::with(['notifications' => function($q){


However, we need to invert the area somehow. I can think of two ways to solve this problem.

1. Add negative areas

public function scopeNotFriendship($query){
    return $query->where('object_type', '!=', 'Friendship Request');

public function scopeNotSent($query){
    return $query->where('verb', '!=', 'sent');

User::with(['notifications' => function($q){


2. Optional parameter

Or you can enter an optional parameter in the current scopes. Something like that:

public function scopeFriendship($query, $is = true)
    return $query->where('object_type', ($is ? '=' : '!='), 'Friendship Request');

public function scopeSent($query, $is = true)
    return $query->where('verb', ($is ? '=' : '!='), 'sent');


This way you only need to pass false:

User::with(['notifications' => function($q){



You can even get more control by adding a second parameter for boolean


or OR


public function scopeFriendship($query, $is = true, $boolean = 'and')
    return $query->where('object_type', ($is ? '=' : '!='), 'Friendship Request', $boolean);


And if you want the scope to be true:

$q->friendship(true, 'or');
$q->sent(true, 'or');


2nd Edit

This one finally worked (from chat)

Notification::where('listener_id', $user_id) 
        $q->sent(false, 'or') 




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