Associating individual JSON datasets with AngularJS user id

I am having trouble figuring out how to store data as separate forms, but concatenating it inside angularJS. This is for educational and testing purposes, so I don't have to worry about setting this data to the db or using any type of storage other than application session and localstorage. For the test I will be hard-coded my JS.

I am uploading a photo to showcase my thoughts and I will explain this as well: showcasing data structures i want to achieve

So my main data is the customer group. I have it set to repeat and display using ng-repeat. No big worries. I can add and update each one. When I had the sentences attached to the clients json object then when I edited the user it will remove those sentences and quotes. So I want them to be seperated but allow them to be called in the DOM by a specific user.

My problem: I don't know how to bind objects, objects and update them in the dom anytime another activity happens. Here is the pen of what I have .

Sample code data:

var customerArray = [
    // Start Customer 
        customer: 'Joe Frankelton',
        phone: 1244957323,
        email: '',
        // start address 
        address: { 
            line1:'248 Gallows Rd',
            state:'West HangState',
    }, // End Customer 
     // Start Customer 
        customer: 'Danny Manny',
        phone: 1245423323,
        email: '',
        // start address 
        address: { 
            line1:'253 Cow Run Rd',
    }, // End Customer 

var  proposals = [
            { // Proposal 1 
                customerID: 1,
                projectTitle: 'Gameify Me Captin',
                type: 'GameDesign',
                deadline: 'Jan. 2, 2015',
                deliveryType: 'Files',
                problem: 'The problem is that the customer wants to much crap.',
                notes: 'clients mother wants to be involved because she designed a peice of toast in 1973',
            { // Proposal 2
                customerID: 2,
                projectTitle: 'Playing',
                type: 'Website',
                deadline: 'Jan. 2, 2017',
                deliveryType: 'Sites',
                problem: 'Everything',
                notes: 'client will be easy to work with, wants pink and blue',

  var quotes = [
                customerID: 2,
                quoteNum: 2,
                projectTitle: 'Project Title',
                type: 'Graphic Design',
                deadline: 'Jan. 2, 2015',
                billableHrs: 11,
                hourlyRate: 42.50,
                externalCost: 33.99,
                tax: 0.6,



source to share

1 answer

What you can do is create a customer view model by mapping data from multiple sources, i.e. customers, offers and quotes.

You can use clientID to connect, for example:

customer.proposals = proposals.filter(function(prop){ 
       return prop.customerID === custId;


So, you would do:

function getMappedCustomer() {
        var custId = customer.customerID;
        customer.proposals = proposals.filter(function(prop){ return prop.customerID === custId;});
        customer.quotes = quotes.filter(function(quot){ return quot.customerID === custId;  });
        return customer;
  // Init current data
  $scope.customers = getMappedCustomer(); 


Configure the updated client in the same way. If you want to keep customerArray

, use angular.copy(customerArray)

and match against it.




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