PHP stmt ready to run but no errors

I am trying to prepare a mysqli query, but it fails without any errors.

 $db_hostname  = "";
 $db_database   = "dbname";
 $db_username  = "db_user";
 $db_password   = "password";
 $db = new mysqli($db_hostname,$db_username,$db_password,$db_database);

 $q = "INSERT INTO Members (`wp_users_ID`,`MemberID`,`Status`,`MiddleName`,`Nickname`,`Prefix`,`Suffix`,`HomeAddress`,`City`,`State`,`Zip`,`ExtendedZip`,`BadAddress`,`SpouseFirstName`,`SpouseMiddleName`,`HomePhone`,`CellPhone`,`WorkPhone`,`WorkPhoneExt`,`OfficePhone`,`OfficePhoneExt`,`Pager`,`Fax`,`Company`,`CompanyType`,`OfficeAddress`,`OfficeAddress2`,`OfficeCity`,`OfficeState`,`OfficeZip`,`OTYPECO`,`OSTAG`,`UPCODE`,`Region`,`Department`,`Classification`,`Retired`,`Industry`,`Comments`,`Officer`,`OfficerType`,`OfficerTitle`,`OUNIT`,`ReceiveEMagazine`,`CD`,`SD`,`AD`,`isOrganization`,`DEL`,`Dues`,`DataSource`) VALUES ((?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?));";
 $stmt = $db->prepare($q);
 if ( false === $stmt ) {
      echo "<pre>";
      print_r( $db );
      echo "</pre>";
      echo mysqli_error();


The only part that actually shows anything is print_r ($ db):

 mysqli Object
      [affected_rows] => -1
      [client_info] => 5.1.73
      [client_version] => 50173
      [connect_errno] => 0
      [connect_error] => 
      [errno] => 0
      [error] => 
      [error_list] => Array
      [field_count] => 1
      [host_info] => via TCP/IP
      [info] => 
      [insert_id] => 919910
      [server_info] => 5.1.73-log
      [server_version] => 50173
      [stat] => Uptime: 1924325  Threads: 8  Questions: 642600129  Slow queries: 28158  Opens: 24168750  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 403  Queries per second avg: 333.935
      [sqlstate] => 00000
      [protocol_version] => 10
      [thread_id] => 9939810
      [warning_count] => 0


Does anyone see anything that might be causing this? Without any errors, it's hard to figure out what is wrong ... I tried to copy and paste the resulting request directly into phpmyadmin and it worked fine (after manually replacing the question marks with test values).



It looks like adding mysqli_report (MYSQLI_REPORT_ALL); at the top of the page, query ABOVE, the insert query fails, although there is still no error listed. This fails when executed:

 echo "1";
 $idDataSources = "";
 echo "2";
 $q = "SELECT idDataSources FROM DataSources WHERE `description`=(?);";
 echo "3";
 $stmt = $db->prepare($q);
 echo "4";
 echo "5";
 $description = "File - 01/10/2015";
 echo "6";
 $stmt->execute() or die( mysqli_stmt_error( $stmt ) );
 echo "7";
 echo "8";
 echo "9";





It gets $ stmt-> execute () and fails. Once again, I tried to display an error, but nothing appears. This is really puzzling. I am wondering if I will go back to the old mysql method (not object oriented) ... it was unsafe, but at least it worked consistently and showed errors when something went wrong.


Well, I just rewrote the whole script using mysql (not object oriented) and not mysqli ... works like a dream. I would love to move to newer standards, but with occasional crashes and poor bug reporting like this, it's very difficult. I'll put the "best" version until I can figure out why it fails.


I noticed some interesting behavior with mysqli. Elsewhere in the same code, I have two requests going through STMT one after the other. It failed from time to time. The errors were consistent as I could send identical data 50 times and from that it could knock 20 times ... same data, same function.

In an attempt to pinpoint exactly where the script error was, I put echo commands between each expression in both requests, just spitting out one number to see where the counter stops - it turns out that with unrelated commands, it slowed down STMT to the point where it works consistently. This made me wonder if the STMT connection might not be closing properly.

$q = "";
$stmt = $this->db->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM Members WHERE MemberID='5' LIMIT 1;" );
if ( $stmt->num_rows > 0 ) {
    $q = "UPDATE Members SET Name='Test' WHERE MemberID=(?) LIMIT 1;";

// here if we continue, it has a chance of erroring out. However, 
// if we run just the following command instead, everything works perfect.
// mysql_query( "UPDATE Members SET Name='Test' WHERE MemberID='5' LIMIT 1;" );

if ( $q != "" ) {
    $stmt = $this->db->prepare($q);
    $params['ID'] = 5;


Can anyone explain this behavior? They never seem to contradict each other, since I use the close () command before starting a new request and it's SOME TIME WORKS ... seems strange.


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4 answers

Here's a slightly adapted example script from with error handling:

$mysqli = new mysqli("", "user", "password", "database");
if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
   echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: (" . $mysqli->connect_errno . ") " . $mysqli->connect_error;

/* Prepared statement, stage 1: prepare */
if (!($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT idDataSources FROM DataSources WHERE `description`=(?)"))) {
     echo "Prepare failed: (" . $mysqli->errno . ") " . $mysqli->error;

/* Prepared statement, stage 2: bind and execute */
$description = "File - 01/10/2015";
if (!$stmt->bind_param('s', $description)) {
    echo "Binding parameters failed: (" . $stmt->errno . ") " . $stmt->error;

if (!$stmt->execute()) {
    echo "Execute failed: (" . $stmt->errno . ") " . $stmt->error;

/* explicit close recommended */


Note that either $ mysqli or $ stmt may contain a description of the error.



I had the same problem. The problem was that I was using the same mysqli link with multiple prepared statements. After each execute statement, I made sure to include an explicit close command:



This stopped suppressing the error message and I was able to see the error message in $mysqli->error




mysqli_error () is not a function if you haven't defined it.

try this, it should tell you the source of the error.

echo $db::$error;




In the original post

$q = "INSERT INTO Members (`wp_users_ID`,`MemberID`,`Status`,`MiddleName`,`Nickname`,`Prefix`,`Suffix`,`HomeAddress`,`City`,`State`,`Zip`,`ExtendedZip`,`BadAddress`,`SpouseFirstName`,`SpouseMiddleName`,`HomePhone`,`CellPhone`,`WorkPhone`,`WorkPhoneExt`,`OfficePhone`,`OfficePhoneExt`,`Pager`,`Fax`,`Company`,`CompanyType`,`OfficeAddress`,`OfficeAddress2`,`OfficeCity`,`OfficeState`,`OfficeZip`,`OTYPECO`,`OSTAG`,`UPCODE`,`Region`,`Department`,`Classification`,`Retired`,`Industry`,`Comments`,`Officer`,`OfficerType`,`OfficerTitle`,`OUNIT`,`ReceiveEMagazine`,`CD`,`SD`,`AD`,`isOrganization`,`DEL`,`Dues`,`DataSource`) VALUES ((?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?),(?));";


I would change this to:

$q = "INSERT INTO Members (`wp_users_ID`,`MemberID`,`Status`,`MiddleName`,`Nickname`,`Prefix`,`Suffix`,`HomeAddress`,`City`,`State`,`Zip`,`ExtendedZip`,`BadAddress`,`SpouseFirstName`,`SpouseMiddleName`,`HomePhone`,`CellPhone`,`WorkPhone`,`WorkPhoneExt`,`OfficePhone`,`OfficePhoneExt`,`Pager`,`Fax`,`Company`,`CompanyType`,`OfficeAddress`,`OfficeAddress2`,`OfficeCity`,`OfficeState`,`OfficeZip`,`OTYPECO`,`OSTAG`,`UPCODE`,`Region`,`Department`,`Classification`,`Retired`,`Industry`,`Comments`,`Officer`,`OfficerType`,`OfficerTitle`,`OUNIT`,`ReceiveEMagazine`,`CD`,`SD`,`AD`,`isOrganization`,`DEL`,`Dues`,`DataSource`) VALUES (?, ?, ..., ?, ?)";


I removed that semicolon that you had in the double quotes of your MySQL query. Also I removed the parentheses around the question marks. And of course, ellipsis (...) inside values ​​just so I don't have to type all your question marks (you have to put them back in your code).



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