Prepending bytearray in Python 3, TypeError: integer required

I have two bytes:

ba1 = bytearray(b'abcdefg')
ba2 = bytearray(b'X')


how can i preend ba2 into ba1?

I tried to do:

ba1.insert(0, ba2)


But that doesn't seem right.

Of course, I could do the following:

ba1 = ba2


But what if ba1 is very large? Does this mean that there is no need to deal with all ba1? Is this memory efficient?

How can I add bytearray?



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1 answer

You can do it like this:

ba1 = bytearray(b'abcdefg')
ba2 = bytearray(b'X')

ba1 = ba2 + ba1
print(ba1)  # --> bytearray(b'Xabcdefg')


To make it more obvious to do the insert at the start, you can use this instead:

ba1[:0] = ba2  # inserts ba2 into beginning of ba1


Also note that as a special case, when you only know ba2

one byte, this will work:

ba1.insert(0, ba2[0])  # valid only if len(ba2) == 1




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