Bad value for attribute autofocus

We are using a grunt-html-angular-validate

package for HTML strings. It uses the W3C online validation tool under the hood and so far it has done a great job validating our angular templates.

Today he was unable to check out the latest changes checked out from the repository with the following error:

Checking src / login / login.html ... ERROR [L37: C108]

Poor {{regCodeRequired}} cost for autofocusing an attribute on element input.

Here are the related lines where it doesn't work:

<div class="auth-reg-code-block" ng-if="regCodeRequired">
    <input class="form-control" type="text" name="regCode" 
           id="regCode" ng-model="user.regCode" autofocus="{{regCodeRequired}}" 
           placeholder="Registration Code" required>


This is basically the field for entering the registration code for two-factor authentication. regCodeRequired

is a boolean variable that is set to true

after the user has gone through the first login / password authentication step.

And I see the input focused on it (using chrome 39) - it works.


I'm sure there is a reason why the validation tool might be complaining, but I'm not sure how to proceed. Are we autofocus

misusing the attribute ? How do I fix the validation error?

I looked at the W3C validator errors trying to find an explanation, but there is nothing there autofocus

. Also, nothing inside w3cjs

the github repository

Here is the grunt config for htmlangular


htmlangular: {
    options: {
        relaxerror: [
            'Element head is missing a required instance of child element title.',
            'Attribute href without an explicit value seen.',
            '& did not start a character reference.',
            'not allowed on element form at this point.',
            'not allowed as child of element',
            'Element img is missing required attribute src.'
        reportpath: null
    all: [
        "<%= app.src %>/*.html",
        "<%= app.src %>/**/*.html"


Would appreciate any pointers.


source to share

2 answers

According to the specifications, the attribute autofocus

is a boolean attribute :

Several attributes are boolean attributes. The presence of a boolean attribute on an element represents a true value, and the absence of an attribute represents a false value.

If the attribute is present, its value must be an empty string, or a value that is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the attribute canonical name, without leading or trailing spaces.

The values ​​"true" and "false" are not allowed on boolean attributes. To represent a false value, the attribute must be omitted altogether.

The last paragraph explains pretty much why the validator is complaining.

In other words, you can replace

<div class="auth-reg-code-block" ng-if="regCodeRequired">
    <input class="form-control" type="text" name="regCode" 
           id="regCode" ng-model="user.regCode" autofocus="{{regCodeRequired}}" 
           placeholder="Registration Code" required>



<div class="auth-reg-code-block" ng-if="regCodeRequired">
    <input class="form-control" type="text" name="regCode" 
           id="regCode" ng-model="user.regCode" autofocus
           placeholder="Registration Code" required>


You may be interested in the ng-autofocus plugin .



Try to explicitly set the angular parameter to true in your configuration (this should allow you to replace the process (digest) of the angular {{}} and {{regCodeRequired}} bindings with the value of the regCodeRequired variable before html validation):

htmlangular: {
    options: {
        angular: true, //per documentation: Turns on ignoring of validation errors that are caused by AngularJS.
        relaxerror: [
            'Element head is missing a required instance of child element title.',
            'Attribute href without an explicit value seen.',
            '& did not start a character reference.',
            'not allowed on element form at this point.',
            'not allowed as child of element',
            'Element img is missing required attribute src.'
        reportpath: null
    all: [
        "<%= app.src %>/*.html",
        "<%= app.src %>/**/*.html"


If that doesn't work, you will need to treat this setting as a custom directive:

 options: {
        customattrs: ['autofocus']


In the documentation:


Type: Array Default: []

List all the custom attributes you've created through directives and other means here. The validator will ignore warnings about these attributes.

You can use wildcard *, for example: 'custom-attrs- *'



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