Firebase Google Simple Login displays redirect_uri_mismatch

Firebase Google Simple Login displays message

"Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

Application: AppLogin

You can write to the developer of this application at:

The redirect URI in the request: does not match the registered redirect URI. "

I tried to fill in both of the following redirect URIs in google client id    ('saas' is my firebase name)


Origin of Javascript


This is the code:

enter code here


    <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>    <script src=""></script>

    <!-- Latest compiled and minified Bootstrap CSS -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

   <!-- <script src="app.js"></script> -->

      //Here is all the code that talks to Firebase
       var app = angular.module("sampleApp", ["firebase"]);

      // let create a re-usable factory that generates the $firebaseSimpleLogin instance
      app.factory("simpleLogin", ["$firebaseSimpleLogin", function($firebaseSimpleLogin) {
        var ref = new Firebase("");
        return $firebaseSimpleLogin(ref);

      // and use it in our controller
      app.controller("loginCtrl", ["$scope", "simpleLogin", function($scope, simpleLogin) {
        $scope.auth = simpleLogin;


    This simple app is based on Angularjs and Firebase. <br>
    <div ng-controller="loginCtrl">
      <div ng-show="auth.user">
        <p>Hello, {{auth.user.displayName}}</p>
        <button ng-click="auth.$logout()">Logout</button>
      <div ng-hide="auth.user">
        <p>Welcome, please log in.</p>
        <button ng-click="auth.$login('google')">Login</button>





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