Chrome extension: get the current site name

I just started building my first Chrome extension. One function in my application is to get the name of the current site. For example, if the current url matches "*: //*", I would interpret that url and know the site name as Facebook.

How should I do it?


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2 answers

Since the script content is injected into the page, you can use

in the script content itself and get the name of your site.



It's not clear if you want to get the hostname or the page title, but you can get both if you want.

Inside the content script, you can:

var site = location.hostname,
    title = document.title;

alert("Site: " + site + " - Title: " + title);


If you want to do it from the man page and you don't want to use content scripts and don't enter code in the tab, you can only get the hostname:

var site;

chrome.tabs.query({/* some query */}, function(tabs) {
    site = tabs[0].url.split("/")[2];
    alert("Site: " + site);


If you also want to get the page title from the background page , you need to implement some messages:

var title;

chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sensResponse) {
    if (message.title) {
        title = message.title;
        alert("Title: " + title);

chrome.tabs.query({/* some query */}, function(tabs) {
    chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabs[0].id, {code: "chrome.runtime.sendMessage({title: document.title});"});


For more information on the methods I used in the snippets above, you can see these documentation links:



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