Difference between list (numpy_array) and numpy_array.tolist ()

What is the difference between applying list()

in an array numpy

or calling tolist()


I have tested the types of both outputs and both show that what I am getting is list

, however the outputs do not look exactly the same. Is it because it is list()

not numpy

-specific (i.e. can be applied to any sequence) and tolist()

is numpy

-specific, in which case they return the same thing?


points = numpy.random.random((5,2))
print "Points type: " + str(type(points))



Points type: <type 'numpy.ndarray'>



points_list = list(points)
print points_list
print "Points_list type: " + str(type(points_list))



[array([ 0.15920058,  0.60861985]), array([ 0.77414769,  0.15181626]), array([ 0.99826806,  0.96183059]), array([ 0.61830768,  0.20023207]), array([ 0.28422605,  0.94669097])]
Points_list type: 'type 'list''



points_list_alt = points.tolist()
print points_list_alt
print "Points_list_alt type: " + str(type(points_list_alt))



[[0.15920057939342847, 0.6086198537462152], [0.7741476852713319, 0.15181626186774055], [0.9982680580550761, 0.9618305944859845], [0.6183076760274226, 0.20023206937408744], [0.28422604852159594, 0.9466909685812506]]

Points_list_alt type: 'type 'list''



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3 answers

Your example already shows the difference ; consider the following 2D array:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.arange(4).reshape(2, 2)
>>> a
array([[0, 1],
       [2, 3]])
>>> a.tolist()
[[0, 1], [2, 3]] # nested vanilla lists
>>> list(a)
[array([0, 1]), array([2, 3])] # list of arrays



handles the full conversion to nested vanilla lists (i.e. list

of list

of int

), whereas it list

simply iterates over the first size of the array, creating a list of arrays ( list

of np.array

of np.int64

). Although both are lists:

>>> type(list(a))
<type 'list'>
>>> type(a.tolist())
<type 'list'>


the elements of each list are of a different type:

>>> type(list(a)[0])
<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
>>> type(a.tolist()[0])
<type 'list'>


Another difference, as you noticed, is that it list

will work on any iterable, whereas it tolist

can only be called on objects that specifically implement this method.




appears to convert all values ​​recursively to python ( list

) primitives , whereas list

creates a python list from an iterable. Since the array is an array of numpy arrays

, list(...)

it creates list

from array


You can think of it list

as a function that looks like this:

# Not the actually implementation, just for demo purposes
def  list(iterable):
    newlist = []
    for obj in iter(iterable):
    return newlist




The main difference is that it tolist

recursively converts all data to standard python library types.

For example:

>>> arr = numpy.arange(2)
>>> [type(item) for item in list(arr)]
[numpy.int64, numpy.int64]
>>> [type(item) for item in arr.tolist()]
[builtins.int, builtins.int]


Functional differences aside tolist

, it will generally be faster as it knows it has a numpy array and access to the backing array. Whereas, it list

will fall back to using an iterator to add all the elements.

In [2]: arr = numpy.arange(1000)

In [3]: %timeit arr.tolist()
10000 loops, best of 3: 33 Β΅s per loop

In [4]: %timeit list(arr)
10000 loops, best of 3: 80.7 Β΅s per loop


I expect to tolist




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