Golang sync.WaitGroup never exits

I have the code below that fetches a list of urls and then conditionally downloads the file and stores it in the file system. The files are fetched at the same time and the main goroutine waits for all files to be fetched. But after all requests are completed, the program never exits (and there are no errors).

What I think is happening is that somehow the number of go operations in WaitGroup

either increases too much to start (through Add

) or doesn't decrease enough (no call Done


Am I clearly doing something wrong? How could I check how many routines are currently being executed in WaitGroup

so I can better debug what's going on?

package main

import (

func main() {
    links := parseLinks()

    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    for _, url := range links {
        if isExcelDocument(url) {
            go downloadFromURL(url, wg)
        } else {
            fmt.Printf("Skipping: %v \n", url)

func downloadFromURL(url string, wg sync.WaitGroup) error {
    tokens := strings.Split(url, "/")
    fileName := tokens[len(tokens)-1]
    fmt.Printf("Downloading %v to %v \n", url, fileName)

    content, err := os.Create("temp_docs/" + fileName)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error while creating %v because of %v", fileName, err)
        return err

    resp, err := http.Get(url)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Could not fetch %v because %v", url, err)
        return err
    defer resp.Body.Close()

    _, err = io.Copy(content, resp.Body)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error while saving %v from %v", fileName, url)
        return err

    fmt.Printf("Download complete for %v \n", fileName)

    defer wg.Done()
    return nil

func isExcelDocument(url string) bool {
    return strings.HasSuffix(url, ".xlsx") || strings.HasSuffix(url, ".xls")

func parseLinks() []string {
    linksData, err := ioutil.ReadFile("links.txt")
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Trouble reading file: %v", err)

    links := strings.Split(string(linksData), ", ")

    return links



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3 answers

There are two problems with this code. First, you must pass a pointer to WaitGroup to downloadFromURL()

, otherwise the object will be copied rather Done()

than displayed in main()



func main() {
    go downloadFromURL(url, &wg)


Second, it defer wg.Done()

must be one of the first operators in downloadFromURL()

, otherwise, if you return from the function before this operator, it will not get "registered" and will not be called.

func downloadFromURL(url string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) error {
    defer wg.Done()




Arguments in Go are always passed by value. Use a pointer if the argument can be changed. Also, make sure you always follow through wg.Done()

. For example,

package main

import (

func main() {
    links := parseLinks()

    wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)

    for _, url := range links {
        if isExcelDocument(url) {
            go downloadFromURL(url, wg)
        } else {
            fmt.Printf("Skipping: %v \n", url)

func downloadFromURL(url string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) error {
    defer wg.Done()
    tokens := strings.Split(url, "/")
    fileName := tokens[len(tokens)-1]
    fmt.Printf("Downloading %v to %v \n", url, fileName)

    content, err := os.Create("temp_docs/" + fileName)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error while creating %v because of %v", fileName, err)
        return err

    resp, err := http.Get(url)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Could not fetch %v because %v", url, err)
        return err
    defer resp.Body.Close()

    _, err = io.Copy(content, resp.Body)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error while saving %v from %v", fileName, url)
        return err

    fmt.Printf("Download complete for %v \n", fileName)

    return nil

func isExcelDocument(url string) bool {
    return strings.HasSuffix(url, ".xlsx") || strings.HasSuffix(url, ".xls")

func parseLinks() []string {
    linksData, err := ioutil.ReadFile("links.txt")
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Trouble reading file: %v", err)

    links := strings.Split(string(linksData), ", ")

    return links




As @Bartosz pointed out, you will need to pass a reference to your object WaitGroup

. He did an excellent job of discussing the importancedefer ws.Done()

I like WaitGroup

simplicity. However, I don't like that we need to pass a reference to the goroutine because that would mean the concurrency logic will be mixed with your business logic.

So, I came up with this general function to solve this problem for me:

// Parallelize parallelizes the function calls
func Parallelize(functions ...func()) {
    var waitGroup sync.WaitGroup

    defer waitGroup.Wait()

    for _, function := range functions {
        go func(copy func()) {
            defer waitGroup.Done()


So your example can be solved like this:

func main() {
    links := parseLinks()

    functions := []func(){}
    for _, url := range links {
        if isExcelDocument(url) {
            function := func(url string){
                return func() { downloadFromURL(url) }

            functions = append(functions, function)
        } else {
            fmt.Printf("Skipping: %v \n", url)


func downloadFromURL(url string) {


If you want to use it, you can find it here https://github.com/shomali11/util



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