Writing an incremental integer provider

I am trying to get some grip on functional programming in Java 8. I tried to write the following IntSupplier

"functional", but I keep getting problems.

import java.util.function.IntSupplier;

    @Test public void test_nonFunctional() {
        IntSupplier supplier = new IntSupplier() {
            private int nextInt = 0;
            @Override public int getAsInt() {
                return nextInt++;


Here are my attempts. Problems are marked as comments in the code.

import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.IntSupplier;

public class IntSupplierTest {
    @Test public void test_nonFunctional() {
        IntSupplier supplier = new IntSupplier() {
            private int nextInt = 0;
            @Override public int getAsInt() { return nextInt++; }
        }; // Works but is not functional.

    @Test public void test_naive() {
        int nextInt = 0;
        IntSupplier supplier = () -> nextInt++; // Doesn't compile: requires nextInt to be final.

    @Test public void test_nextIntIsFinal() {
        final int nextInt = 0;
        IntSupplier supplier = () -> nextInt++; // Doesn't compile: nextInt can't be incremented because it final.

    @Test public void test_useWrapper() {
        final AtomicInteger nextInt = new AtomicInteger(0);
        IntSupplier supplier = () -> nextInt.getAndIncrement(); // It is not the same as my original question as this test uses an extra object.


If the answer is simply that it cannot be accomplished without the use of additional objects, just say so.


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1 answer

Your problem definition doesn't work anymore. In functionality, you cannot have other output without an argument. This is the definition. But how to create a sequence of numbers, which you can see in the java-libraries: java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator

. It is used as follows:

IntStream.iterate(0, i -> i+1).limit(10).foreach(System.out::printLn);




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