Doing all the use of the LAG function

I wonder if anyone can help me calculate the running amount.

I am converting this from an existing excel solution so I know what I was aiming for.

I am trying to use LAG to get the values ​​from the previous line, but the calculation is not consistent with my purpose. I think I need to use the result from the previous line in the "lag" column, but this is not possible.

Any help was appreciated.

use tempdb;

--Create Temp Table 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#WareHouseData') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #WareHouseData
      ItemId    INT,
      DateID    INT,
      OpenningWareHouseUnits INT,
      FcastSales INT,
      GoodsIncoming INT,
      TargetRunningStock INT

--Fill It With example Data
--OpenningWareHouseUnits only exists in the first week 
--Fcast sales can be in any week though normally all weeks
--Goods Incoming can be in any weeks
INSERT INTO #WareHouseData  

--Match The Target Runing Stock Total
--I need to match the TargetRunningStock Totals
--This can be recreated in excel by pasting the columns 
--{ItemId   DateID  OpenningWareHouseUnits  FcastSales  GoodsIncoming}
--Into cell A1 with headers, and pasting this formula 
-- =IF(C2="",IF((F1-D2+E2)<0,0,(F1-D2+E2)),(C2-D2+E2)) into cell F2  
    ,   w.DateID    
    ,   w.OpenningWareHouseUnits    
    ,   w.FcastSales    
    ,   w.GoodsIncoming 
    ,   w.TargetRunningStock
    ,   CASE WHEN w.OpenningWareHouseUnits IS NOT NULL
             THEN (ISNULL(w.OpenningWareHouseUnits,0) - ISNULL(w.FcastSales,0) + ISNULL(w.GoodsIncoming,0))
             ELSE  CASE WHEN ((((LAG(ISNULL(w.OpenningWareHouseUnits,0),1)  OVER (PARTITION BY w.ItemId  ORDER BY w.ItemId,w.DateID))- 
                                    (LAG(ISNULL(w.FcastSales,0),1)  OVER (PARTITION BY w.ItemId  ORDER BY w.ItemId,w.DateID)) + 
                                        (LAG(ISNULL(w.GoodsIncoming,0),1)  OVER (PARTITION BY w.ItemId  ORDER BY w.ItemId,w.DateID)))) -
                                ISNULL(w.FcastSales,0) + ISNULL(w.GoodsIncoming,0)) < 0
                        THEN 0
                        ELSE ((((LAG(ISNULL(w.OpenningWareHouseUnits,0),1)  OVER (PARTITION BY w.ItemId  ORDER BY w.ItemId,w.DateID))- 
                                    (LAG(ISNULL(w.FcastSales,0),1)  OVER (PARTITION BY w.ItemId  ORDER BY w.ItemId,w.DateID)) + 
                                        (LAG(ISNULL(w.GoodsIncoming,0),1)  OVER (PARTITION BY w.ItemId  ORDER BY w.ItemId,w.DateID)))) -
                                ISNULL(w.FcastSales,0) + ISNULL(w.GoodsIncoming,0))
            END  CalculatedRunningStock
FROM #WareHouseData w
    ,   w.DateID    



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2 answers

Ignoring most of the calculation logic for simplicity (and time), you almost certainly want sum() over (partition by ... order by...)


select ItemId, DateId, TargetRunningStock, 
       sum(TargetRunningStock) over (partition by itemid order by dateid)
from WarehouseData
order by ItemId, DateId;


ItemId DateId TargetRunningStock Sum
123456 201450 250 250
123456 201451 190 440
123456 201452 220 660
987654 201507 60 920
987654 201508 30 950
987654 201509 10 960
987654 201510 0 960

Since you are trying to reproduce the results from a spreadsheet, you may need to wrap something like this around some computed columns that use lag (). I haven't looked that deeply at your spreadsheet.



The basic syntax for running amount is to use order by

in a clause partition

for a window function sum()


SELECT w.ItemId, w.DateID, w.OpenningWareHouseUnits, w.FcastSales,
       w.GoodsIncoming, w.TargetRunningStock,
       SUM(OpenningWareHouseUnits) OVER (PARTITION BY w.ItemId, w.DateId)
FROM #WareHouseData w
ORDER BY w.ItemId, w.DateID ;


I am a bit unclear how to apply this to your formula. Sample data and desired results will be of great help.



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