C ++ / CLI: managed / unmanaged scope # pragma

I have a mixed DLL and a .cpp file in it with managed and unmanaged code. A simplified reproduction example looks like this:

#include "stdafx.h"
#pragma managed // Just for explicitness (doesn't influence results)
#include <msclr\marshal.h>

void Test()
    System::String^ sName = "";
    msclr::interop::marshal_context context;
    context.marshal_as<const TCHAR*>(sName);

//#pragma unmanaged // uncomment this line to get errors


This code compiles successfully, however if I uncomment the last line ( #pragma unmanaged

) it throws the following errors:

2>  Test.cpp
2>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\msclr\marshal.h(48): error C3280: 'msclr::interop::marshal_context::internal_marshaler<_To_Type,_From_Type,_Needs_Context>::internal_marshaler' : a member-function of a managed type cannot be compiled as an unmanaged function
2>          with
2>          [
2>              _To_Type=const wchar_t *,
2>              _From_Type=System::String ^,
2>              _Needs_Context=true
2>          ]
2>          This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'msclr::interop::marshal_context::internal_marshaler<_To_Type,_From_Type,_Needs_Context>::internal_marshaler(void)'
2>          with
2>          [
2>              _To_Type=const wchar_t *,
2>              _From_Type=System::String ^,
2>              _Needs_Context=true
2>          ]
2>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\msclr\marshal.h(48): error C3642: 'System::Object::Object(void)' : cannot call a function with __clrcall calling convention from native code
2>          This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'msclr::interop::marshal_context::internal_marshaler<_To_Type,_From_Type,_Needs_Context>::internal_marshaler(void)'
2>          with
2>          [
2>              _To_Type=const wchar_t *,
2>              _From_Type=System::String ^,
2>              _Needs_Context=true
2>          ]
2>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\msclr\marshal.h(48): error C3175: 'System::Object::Object' : cannot call a method of a managed type from unmanaged function 'msclr::interop::marshal_context::internal_marshaler<_To_Type,_From_Type,_Needs_Context>::internal_marshaler'
2>          with
2>          [
2>              _To_Type=const wchar_t *,
2>              _From_Type=System::String ^,
2>              _Needs_Context=true
2>          ]
2>          This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'msclr::interop::marshal_context::internal_marshaler<_To_Type,_From_Type,_Needs_Context>::internal_marshaler(void)'
2>          with
2>          [
2>              _To_Type=const wchar_t *,
2>              _From_Type=System::String ^,
2>              _Needs_Context=true
2>          ]
2>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\msclr\marshal.h(48): error C3821: 'msclr::interop::marshal_context::internal_marshaler<_To_Type,_From_Type,_Needs_Context>::internal_marshaler(void)': managed type or function cannot be used in an unmanaged function
2>          with
2>          [
2>              _To_Type=const wchar_t *,
2>              _From_Type=System::String ^,
2>              _Needs_Context=true
2>          ]
2>          This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'msclr::interop::marshal_context::internal_marshaler<_To_Type,_From_Type,_Needs_Context>::internal_marshaler(void)'
2>          with
2>          [
2>              _To_Type=const wchar_t *,
2>              _From_Type=System::String ^,
2>              _Needs_Context=true
2>          ]
2>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\msclr\marshal.h(282): error C3645: 'msclr::interop::marshal_context::internal_marshaler<_To_Type,_From_Type,_Needs_Context>::internal_marshaler' : __clrcall cannot be used on functions compiled to native code
2>          with
2>          [
2>              _To_Type=const wchar_t *,
2>              _From_Type=System::String ^,
2>              _Needs_Context=true
2>          ]
2>          This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'msclr::interop::marshal_context::internal_marshaler<_To_Type,_From_Type,_Needs_Context>::internal_marshaler(void)'
2>          with
2>          [
2>              _To_Type=const wchar_t *,
2>              _From_Type=System::String ^,
2>              _Needs_Context=true
2>          ]


I found that I can get rid of the error by appending #pragma managed

to the end of my .cpp file. But I still don't understand why the errors occur. This behavior #pragma unmanaged

seems completely intuitive to me. Can someone please explain?

As far as I understand:

  • #pragma (un)managed

    affects the compilation of the code below . So if it is defined at the end of the .cpp file (nothing below), it should have no effect.
  • Also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/0adb9zxe.aspx says:

    When a template function is created, the state of the pragma at the time of definition for the template determines whether it is managed or unmanaged.


the template is listed in the included file marshal.h

and must be compiled as managed (since it has an explicit #pragma on the previous line) regardless of the #pragma at the bottom of the file.

Am I wrong somewhere?


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