Does the Rcpp parameter area extend upward?

I was doing a lot of Rcpp coding recently and came across something that confuses me. I was under the impression that any given function will make copies of its "specific parameters when called, and then those variables will be destroyed after the function completes. However, I find that when I work with types List

that don't seem to be the case." In some cases I may need to change the list items in different functions, but want the list in the "higher" scope to remain unchanged Here is a very simplified example to demonstrate the problem:


int list_length(List myList){

    // some sort of modification that could be needed locally
    for (int w=0; w < myList.size(); w++) {
        myList[w] = 13;

    // return whatever metric
    return myList.size();

//' @export
SEXP list_int(List myList){

  // only want the int output from function
  int out = list_length(myList);




# create simple list
myList <- as.list(seq(4))

# call Rcpp function

# output
[1] 13

[1] 13

[1] 13

[1] 13

[1] 4


As you can see, the list has changed in the area above the function. Did I miss something?


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1 answer

Yes, you miss SEXP passing pointers.

It's pretty well documented, we usually call our types "shallow proxies".



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