Chrome on iOS 8 useragent no longer includes crIOS

Has anyone else noticed? Latest Chrome for iOS on iPhone since 8.1.2, userAgent no longer has crIOS string in it. I don't know why they got rid of him. It also doesn't have "Mobile" in the line. I think why not rely on userAgent ...
The UserAgent I see in Javascript is:

Mozilla / 5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_3) AppleWebKit / 534.53.11 (KHTML like Gecko) Version /5.1.3 Safari / 534.53.10

Where did crIOS take place?


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1 answer

I found the answer before posting. Apparently I clicked a while ago on this Chrome tab and selected "view desktop version". This changes the userAgent to no longer indicate that this is the mobile version of the IOS browser. However, the option was grayed out. I was not sure how to get back to the Mobile version. I found this url:

The paragraph titled "Why can't I return to browsing mobile sites after enabling" request a working site "? Has an answer to this question.

Rather than forcing you to go there on your own, it says that once you switch to desktop mode in a specific tab, it will stay the same forever. To return to the mobile view, you must close the tab and reopen a new one. New default tabs for mobile userAgent / view.

Mystery solved.



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