Is there an alternative to Ctrl + C to stop the rails server?

My keyboard had an accident and now some key and key combinations will not work. I am using bash shell to issue commands. I've seen that using Ctrl-Pause / Break can stop the server for a couple of messages like this , but my keyboard shows up so that Fn + right-shift to pause and Ctrl + Fn + right-shift to break As detailed on the forum HP Home support . It didn't work for me as it could be how my keyboard is displayed or that this is just another thing from the keyboard won't now. Is there any other way I can stop the server?

Edit: I'm using an external keyboard now. although I am trying to use my laptop built into the keyboard.


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2 answers

You can find the rails process using the command ps

like this:

 ➜ ps aux


You see a list of everything that is running on your system. Find the line showing your Rails application.

For example, I am using "Passenger" to launch my application, my application name is "demo" and my process string is:

me 30704 0.0 2.0 705696 155300 ? Sl 18:58 0:01 Passenger RackApp: demo


The process line shows you two elements that you might need:

  • The second element is the process ID number, also known as the PID.

  • The final text is the name of the running application and its arguments.

Kill the process by sending an INT signal to the PID:

kill -s INT 30704


Signals you might want:

  • INT

    stands for "program interrupt" and is sent when the user types an INTR character (usually Cc).

  • TERM

    is a common polite way to ask the program to terminate.

  • KILL

    causes the immediate termination of the program. It cannot be processed, ignored, or blocked.

If you need to do this more than once, then there are shortcuts.

To find a processing line, you can use grep

or similar tools such as pgrep

or pidof


 ➜ ps aux | grep Passenger


To find the process id number you can use awk

to print the second line item:

 ➜ ps aux | grep Passenger | awk '{print $2}'


To kill all processes with a specific pattern in the name or arguments, you can use pkill


 ➜ pkill -f Passenger




To stop the rails server while it is running, press:




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