Executing `ls` on docker with shared volume results in" No such file or directory "

I am writing a node program that uses dockernode as a Docker client. The program creates a container with a volume that is bound to a directory on the host when the container starts. One started off, I am trying to print the contents of the shared volume to prove it is working correctly. However, I keep getting (ls: /tmp/app: No such file or directory


Here is my code ...

var Docker = require('dockerode'),
    docker = new Docker(),
    mkdirp = require('mkdirp'),
    volume = (process.env.HOME || process.env.HOMEPATH || process.env.USERPROFILE) + '/' + Date.now();

function handleError(action, err) {
    if (err) {
        console.error('error while ' + action + '...');


    Image: 'ubuntu',
    Volumes: {
        '/tmp/app': {}
}, function(err, container) {
    handleError('building', err);

        Binds: [volume + ':/tmp/app']
    }, function(err, data) {
        handleError('starting', err);

            AttachStdout: true,
            AttachStderr: true,
            Tty: false,
            Cmd: ['/bin/ls', '/tmp/app']
        }, function(err, exec) {
            handleError('executing `ls /tmp/app`', err);

            exec.start(function(err, stream) {
                handleError('handling response from `ls /tmp/app`', err);



I managed to do it without exec, where I create a container, attach to it, start it with a command ls

, wait for it to finish, and then kill it and delete it. But I'm looking to use exec, so I can issue multiple commands after the container has started. I am trying to piece this together from examples in the dockerode library and the remote Docker API documentation. I just don't know where I am going wrong.

For reference, here is the code without exec ...

    Image: 'ubuntu',
    Cmd: ['/bin/ls', '/tmp/app'],
    Volumes: {
        '/tmp/app': {}
}, function(err, container) {
    console.log('attaching to... ' + container.id);

    container.attach({stream: true, stdout: true, stderr: true, tty: true}, function(err, stream) {
        handleError('attaching', err);


        console.log('starting... ' + container.id);

            Binds: [volume + ':/tmp/app']
        }, function(err, data) {
            handleError('starting', err);

        container.wait(function(err, data) {
            handleError('waiting', err);

            console.log('killing... ' + container.id);

            container.kill(function(err, data) {
                handleError('killing', err);

                console.log('removing... ' + container.id);

                container.remove(function(err, data) {
                    handleError('removing', err);



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1 answer

I've been struggling with the same problem for a while but found a solution. The Remote API seems to not accept the command with arguments as a single line, but you need to strip each argument as a new token in the Cmd properties array; for example with gcc:

"Cmd":["/bin/bash","-c","gcc -Wall -std=c99 hello.c -o hello.bin"]


After this modification, it works correctly.

Official documentation may be better for configuring remote API.



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