Recaptcha Rails uses v2 or version 2 reCAPTCHA

I am trying to use the latest recaptcha, on views, my captcha looks like this: current captcha

I would like it to look like , here's the image:

enter image description here

in my form I have:

= form_for [refinery, :inquiries, @inquiry], html: { id: "contact-form" } do |f|    
  = recaptcha_tags display: { display: 'red'}


Does anyone know how to do this using gem "recaptcha"


Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

The version recaptcha

supporting API v2 hasn't been released yet, so you need to use the version directly from Github.

gem "recaptcha", github: "ambethia/recaptcha"


And then in the initializer ( config/initializers/recaptcha.rb


Recaptcha.configure do |config|
  config.api_version = "v2"




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