Produces the output of gulp to a variable

I am using the gulp-run plugin to get the git hash using the following code:

run('git log -1 --pretty=format:%H').exec();


I can add a pipe to save the output to a file, for example:

run('git log -1 --pretty=format:%H').exec().pipe(gulp.dest('some/dir'));


From there I can read the contents of the file using readFile () to get the git hash.

Is there a way to skip this step and get the gulp-run output into a variable directly?


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1 answer

Two comments:

I would recommend

git rev-parse HEAD


Instead git log -1 --pretty=format:%H

And you can easily do it with , gulp-run is not required.

var sh = require('execSync');
var revision ='git rev-parse HEAD');
console.log(revision); // => 93004330f14fd502e1568a0c2c1a645eae269e1b




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