Cleaning up the O365 REST API
I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. I'm trying to get all contacts from O365 in XML or JSON format, so I started looking into it and found out that Microsoft has an API that will return data in JSON (great!).
The API is available at:
I opened the link in a browser and everything was fine, except that it only returns the first 10 contacts. I didn't need this to be included in any software or program or anything that I just needed to get through the browser. Am I missing something or is there another way how can I get all contacts dumped in a very basic format?
Thanks for any feedback.
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By default, the API should only return 10 records per request. You can increase this to 50. For large result sets, you must use paging.
So in the browser you can: $ count
This will tell you how much you have. Then you can grab the first 50: ? $ top = 50
If you have more, you can grab the next 50 with the $ skip parameter: ? $ top = 50 & $ skip = 50
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