BEGIN_ARRAY expected, but BEGIN_OBJECT on row 1 column 35
I just started with gson and I am trying to parse a JSON string that starts out as an object and always gets the same JSON error
"code": 200,
"data": {
"messages": [
"emailSender": "",
"countryCode": null,
"emailSenderReply": null,
"rejectedReason": null,
"messageReplySenderMessageDeleted": null,
"lastNameReceiver": null,
"wpMessagesRatingReplyId": null,
"wpMessagesRatingRating": null,
"countryMemberId": 143,
"phoneSenderReply": null,
"messageReplyReceiverMessageDeleted": null,
"readStatus": "unread",
"phoneReceiverReply": null,
"membersSenderUid": "m8692031",
"wpMessagesRequestTitle": "Fazzzzzz",
"title": "Fazzzzzz",
"countryTitle": null,
"emailReceiver": null,
"firstNameReceiverReply": null,
"id": 1288,
"messageReplyId": null,
"membersReceiverUid": "m1000002",
"time": "2014-12-28 14:32:09",
"wpMessagesRequestCategoryId": 4,
"lastNameReceiverReply": null,
"lastNameSender": "dsad",
"phoneReceiver": null,
"status": "unanswered",
"messageReplyReceiver": null,
"messageReplyStatus": null,
"memberReceiverRole": "admin",
"isConsultant": 1,
"roleReplyReceiver": null,
"wpMesssagesRequestCategoriesSystemName": "orders",
"lastNameSenderReply": null,
"memberSenderRole": "member",
"wpMesssagesRequestCategoriesName": "Orders",
"requestMessage": 1101,
"wpMessagesRequestPriority": "middle",
"messageReplyTime": null,
"message": "OLOLO",
"wpMessagesRequestCountryId": null,
"sender": 4481,
"firstNameReceiver": null,
"messageReplyMessage": null,
"firstNameSender": "asdas",
"firstNameSenderReply": null,
"emailReceiverReply": null,
"roleReplySender": null,
"messageReplySender": null,
"wpMessagesRequestProductId": null,
"receiver": 4364,
"isMessageForwarded": 0,
"wpMessagesRequestStatus": "not-taken",
"phoneSender": "2(342)-4-23-42",
"wpMessagesRequestMessage": "OLOLO"
and i keep running with error:
Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 3 column 12
The error in my log points to this line:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
Main main=gson.fromJson(a, Main.class);
Here is my pojo
static class Main{
int code;
boolean error;
List<Data> data;
static class Data{
Enteties messages;
static class Enteties{
String msg_title;
String msg_time;
int msg_id;
String msg_status;
public String toString(){
return msg_title+" "+msg_time+" "+msg_id+" "+msg_status;
source to share
Your main class has data as a list. Your JSON has this as an object. The types must match. If you are expecting only 1 data in the main, then don't use a list. If you are expecting 1 or more data, then do some code that generates the data sent across an array (even if there is only 1 object in that array).
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your POJOs should look something like this.
your Entity class:
public class Entity {
private int id;
private String emailSender;
private String membersSenderUid;
private String title;
private String time;
private String status;
// getters, setters & toString methods
@SerializedName is an annotation indicating that this member should be serialized to JSON with the specified name as its field name. For more details check here
Your data class:
public class Data {
private List<Entity> messages;
// getters, setters & toString methods
Finally, the main class:
public class Main {
private int code;
private boolean error;
private Data data;
// getters, setters & toString methods
Here is the parsing code:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
Main main=gson.fromJson(jsonData, Main.class); // here jsonData is the string that is holding your actual json data
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