How to set the background color of ttk.Combobox

I have a problem setting the background color for a Combobox using tkinter ttk with "vista" theme (I am using Python 3). I tried the code from here ttk.Combobox crashes when the state is read-only and out of focus

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk

root = tk.Tk()
combo = ttk.Combobox(root, values=['1', '2', '3'])
combo['state'] = 'readonly'

style = ttk.Style()'TCombobox', selectbackground=[('readonly', 'red')])'TCombobox', fieldbackground=[('readonly', 'blue')]) #not working as well


But this will only change the background for the text, the rest of the combobox will remain white. Also I saw a post on the tcl forum: and I tried using 'fieldbackground' but it seems that tkinter is ignoring this setting.Do you have any idea how to solve it? Maybe there is a way to customize only a specific style in a specific theme? I have seen that for the "default" theme, the background changes to gray if the state is "readonly".


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2 answers

This code below worked fine for me. It is important to establish the order of the parameters.


    style = ttk.Style()'TCombobox', fieldbackground=[('readonly','white')])'TCombobox', selectbackground=[('readonly', 'white')])'TCombobox', selectforeground=[('readonly', 'black')])

    self.mycombo = ttk.Combobox(self.frame,textvariable=self.combo_var,

    self.mycombo['state'] = 'readonly' # Set the state according to configure colors
                      lambda event: self._click_combo())





Apparently, the order given for the properties of the new style is important in determining whether a particular property of the new style will be applied or not. For example, if I first set background

instead selectbackground

, then the highlight color will not change, but only the color of the mini arrow button (to display a list of options).

I also noted that depending on the value parent

, which I assume is the parent style from which the new style is derived, some of the new settings and properties of the new style may not apply. For example, if I try to change a property fieldbackground

when parent

set to aqua

, it doesn't work, but if parent

set to alt

, it works. (I hope more experienced users can help and contribute to improving this answer, which might be helpful for future users as ttk

well tkinter


This is my solution where I created a completely new style:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk

root = tk.Tk()

combostyle = ttk.Style()

combostyle.theme_create('combostyle', parent='alt',
                         settings = {'TCombobox':
                                      {'selectbackground': 'blue',
                                       'fieldbackground': 'red',
                                       'background': 'green'
# ATTENTION: this applies the new style 'combostyle' to all ttk.Combobox

# show the current styles
# print(combostyle.theme_names())

combo = ttk.Combobox(root, values=['1', '2', '3'])
combo['state'] = 'readonly'

entry = tk.Entry(root)



Since I am not an expert in ttk

, I was not able to apply the new theme only to a specific instance of a type ttk.Combobox

, but I applied this theme to all instances of the future possible ttk.Combobox

. If anyone can improve this answer I would really appreciate a gesture!

For more information on how to create and set new styles, see here or.



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