Kendo UI - conditional column in kendo ui base based on column values

I am having trouble using kendo grid columns template, my scenario is like this:

My column will generate action links based on another example of column values:

columns.Bound(a => a.ref_nb).Width(145).Template(@<text></text>).ClientTemplate("#= (tran_ty =='SO') ? '<a>" + "${data.ref_nb}" + "</a>' : '<span>No Entry</span>'#");


this script uses ternary to base what will be encoded in the column based on the other values โ€‹โ€‹of the tran_ty columns, but it throws an error in the template that is called by the page. is there any possible way i can achieve this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA


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2 answers

Try this for ClientTemplate()

#= if(tran_ty == 'SO') { # <a href='#=ref_db#'>#=ref_db#</a> # } else { # <span>No Entry</span> # } #


Note. You may need to adjust the quotes a bit, but that should get you on the right track.

See more syntax here:



Personally, I find this process easier when trying to make more complex customer templates.

Change the linked column to:

columns.Bound(a => a.ref_nb).Width(145).ClientTemplate("#=myClientSideTemplate(data)#");


Then you have javascript that does the formatting for you:

  function myClientSideTemplate(data) {

        var returnString = ''; 

        if(data.tran_ty === 'SO')
            returnString = '<a href="' + data.ref_nb + '">' + data.ref_nb + '</a>';
            returnString = '<span>Value is not equal to SO</span>';

        return returnString; 



This way you can keep playing with javascript and not have a problem where you might be missing a quote or piece of information.

This also means that if you need this function elsewhere, you can reuse the code.



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